Twenty Six: Not Catching A Break

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I'm on the beach writing this guys xD


"Sneaky of you to book this," I grin at Jason. With my hand in his, we walk down the city streets of Gotham.

"Guess I'm lucky Kalie's your secretary."

It's an indescribably, invigorating feeling to be so close and in contact with him. I'm not a very short girl, I'm quite tall, but he still towers over me even when I'm wearing heels.

"So where are we going?" I ask, glancing around to make sure there were no reporters or cameramen.

"There," he points up ahead across the street. A vegan café. He is literally taking me to a vegan café.

"Really?" I question softly, shocked by how out of character that is for him. He lets go of me and shoves his hands in his pockets.

"Yeah," he murmurs, obviously embarrassed. At that moment he was totally adorable. I grin and lean up to kiss his cheek.

He glances down at me, surprised, before caressing my face and leaning down to kiss me. I want to push him away -I mean we're literally in the middle of the sidewalk- but my arms refuse to.

Smiling, I let him press his lips to mine as I run my hands up his chest, gripping his black leather jacket. He pulls away slowly, leaning his forehead on mine.

"C'mon," I say, holding his hand again as we cross the road.

I've been to this café a fair few times. Sometimes Leona would get my lunch from there too.

It's decorated with blue and green colours inside, house plants all over the place with animal rights posters littering one wall.

"DA Meadow!" The owner greets. No idea what his name is, but he recognises me. "The usual?"

"Times two," I smile. He nods and walks back into the kitchen. I lead Jason over to a table near the back, away from the windows. We take our seats.

"What did you do this morning?"

"Two cases. Won the first, the second has not been decided," I say.

"Do you need help with it?"

My expression twists in thought. "You tell me. A gang leader, Coviar, ordered the destruction of a government owned building simply because one of the workers there owed him. That building was to be turned into a power plant specifically for crime alley."

Jason nods slowly. "Well I won't lie. Coviar is one of mine."

"I guessed as much," I admit. I'm worried that maybe this would get in the way of... us. "You didn't... order the destruction of it, did you?" I ask quietly.

He gives a relaxed smile. "No, but I'll see if I can get something on it for you."

Thank God, "Thank you," I smile.

My usual is brought to us. "Vegetarian chilli with quinoa," the waiter grins, placing two bowls down. I watch Jason carefully with a small smirk.

"You don't have to eat it," I grin. He sighs and grabs a fork. I do the same, smiling at him in complete and utter adoration.


"You're late," Leona says when I walk back into work.

"Sorry, got distracted," I say.

"I'm aware. It's on Juice From Jess."

I freeze at my office door. Jessica, that creepy gossip reporter who was the first to report on Jason and I.

DA Meadow: The Sinner and the Sadist (A Jason Todd/Red Hood Fanfiction) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now