Chapter 8

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Dove carefully climbed the steps of the plane, she tried to be careful with her footing because of how much her legs shook from being airborne for some hours, she was hit with a blast of hot air as soon as she stepped completely off the plane, her ponytail whipped around wildly almost hitting her in her face, she threw her hair back out of her eyes and sighed.
Her newly founded uncle Druco, came and hooked her arm in his as he led them both to the sleek black limousine that was parked in front of the airport, he pushed open the double glass doors and walked out with her in tow, " we're going straight to the northern kingdom" Druco said as he helped her into the seat in the back of the limo, " ok" Dove answered back, frankly she wasn't sure how she felt about meeting her betrothed so soon, she wasn't the shy blubbering idiotic type of girl who's tongue went numb in the presence of a male, no, she was quite the opposite, she wasn't dense though, she very well knew when to be embarrassed, when she was insulted, or when she felt flattered, and she had a reaction and a retort for every single one of them, she could hold her own.

"Are you nervous?" Druco asked his niece as he saw her brow furrowed and a confused expression mar her face, she looked up at him and held his gaze " a little, I admit... but it's not exactly nerves that I'm feeling, I'm just...just still letting all the events that recently happened sink in, you know?'s not every day you find out that you're a princess and is betrothed to a Prince, or that you thought you knew everything there was to know about yourself, and then someone comes along and drops a mega huge bomb on you and you have to force aside your reality, to make room for the matter how much you don't like it.." she swiped at a tear before It had time to run down her cheek.
"So, yes I am nervous" she turned her head to stare out at the passing scenery, Druco sighed and sent a prayer to God that his niece's life would turn out fine...that she would receive happiness and love in her new home.

2hrs later

"This is it" Druco exclaimed as he helped his niece out of the car.
Dove stared awestrucked at the huge golden castle that was standing tall in front of her " Wow!" She said, that was all she could get out, the palace was huge and beautiful, it had a beautiful stone walkway leading up to the huge golden double doors and the whole place looked like something that was ripped out of a fairytale, it was absolutely gorgeous and Dove found herself gaping like a fool as they walked towards the majestic doors.
The two buff guards at the front, briefly glanced at Druco befor pushing open the doors to the palace, if she was awestrucked before now she was speechless, she could've sworn she heard her jaw hit the floor with a loud thud.
The interior was simply amazing, a big golden chandelier hung from the ceiling, and statues and symbols of the sun and moon was engraved in every corner, in the middle of the floor stood and old couple, the man wore a gold and red armor suit thing with a beautiful jewel encrusted crown atop his head, he had long silver hair that reached right above his shoulder, he looked about in his early fifties to late forties, he had dark almost black eyes and tan skin, the woman had a similar tiara and wore a long ruby red dress that shone and clung to her slender body perfectly, she couldn't be more than forty, her hair was dark brown with streaks of grey and fell in loose cures to her waist.
Dove then noticed another presence, behind them stood the most handsome man that she had ever seen in her young life, his shoulder length dark brown hair fell in waves and framed his face, dark brown brown eyes gazed back at her in an intense stare, and she found herself getting lost in the swirling chocolate pools, his nose was straight and his lips were generous, they looked kissable, he was tall about 6'2 and his body was muscled and hard his taut stomach promised at least a six pack if not eight and his long muscular legs looked firm. Dove locked eyes with him once more, he smirked she could almost hear his cocky remark through that sexy smirk, that smirk asked her if she liked what she saw, she nodded to show him she understood and she did like what she saw, his smirk dropped and his eyes widened, he obviously wasn't looking for that reaction, it was her turn to smirk now, they we're cut out from their conversation with their eyes when the king spoke "welcome daughter-in-law"

Yeah I know i shouldn't of ended like that but don't worry, we will get back to that on the next chapter ok
Rhasheeda :D

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2015 ⏰

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