Chapter 1

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Hey there beautiful people, I really hope you enjoy this book I an super excited to start writing this, just so you know it's my first time writing an arranged marriage book and I am only 14 so I really don't know much about this stuff, but still enjoy ok, tell me what you think :D

Dove sighed, how many hours had it been since she was sitting in this corner reading the same chapter over and over again, she had lost count after four, judging from the color of the sky from outside the window, it was quite late, probably about 9 or 10 maybe even later than that.

If only she hadn't forgotten her library card at home, she would be sitting in her warm bed enjoying a cup of hot chocolate while attempting to finish read the horrid science book that taunted her right now, she sighed again, at least she would've be miserable in comfort.

Instead she sat on the hard wooden chair at the corner of her school library, freezing her butt off while reading and rereading the same paragraph over and over in her head hoping that the information would eventually stick.

" what am I doing?" She asked herself, she knew that as long as she had other things bothering her she wouldn't be able to focus on the book in front of her, heck, she knew that four hours ago, but being as stubborn and determined as she is, she sat there in the freezing library trying to study for her upcoming exam.

" ugh I'm done" she said raising abruptly to her feet, she held on to the desk in front of her to steady herself, her feet had no doubt fallen asleep. After she could stand without help, she picked up her shoulder bag.

"Should I?" She asked no one in particular, " nah I shouldn't...but" she picked up the horrid science book and looked over her shoulders making sure she was alone, when she was sure, she stuffed the book into her shoulder bag and walked towards the exit.

Her mother would forgive her for her sin, it had in fact been a life or death matter, or rather pass or fail in all truth. She chuckled.

Nerves consumed her as she approached the librarian's desk, the short chubby lady peered at Dove over her spectacles, " goodnight Mrs Drew" Dove said waving a hand the old lady's direction and flashing her a small smile " goodnight Dove dear" Mrs Drew replied kindly and smiled at Dove.

Dove gave a silent thank you to God as she walked out of the library.


Dove looked at her watch and smiled, 9:36 was earlier than she though she'd be home.

Dove walked into her bedroom, and threw her bag onto the bed, she pulled at the string in her top, loosening it, then she pulled it over her head, and threw it into the basket beside her wardrobe, " I have to do laundry soon" she mumbled looking at the overflowing amount of clothes piled into the small blue basket, and then the other two piles of clothes next to it, " and, I need more baskets" she said pulling off her black skinny jeans and throwing it onto the pile of clothes also.

She had a bath, then went into the kitchen to make herself some hot chocolate. Dove put the pot onto the stove before turning the burner on and lighting the stove, she mixed some water and milk powder together in a cup then poured the milk into the hot pot and waited for it to heat up, when the milk showed signs of having little bubbles, she poured some Hersheys chocolate syrup into the pot and mixed it in until the milk was a rich brown colour, she turned off the burner and poured all of the liquid into a huge white mug and took a small sip, sighing as she felt the walm chocolaty goodness coat the tip of her tongue. Oh how she needed this, she put the emptied pot into the sink, and walked to her bedroom with her mug in hand.

She read the rest of the book in comfort and eventually fell asleep at around 1:23am.

She woke up to the sound of shouting and cusses being thrown around, that could only be one person she sighed, " Tori"

Thank you for reading the first chapter, please tell me if you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it which is a whole lot
Ok bye
Rhasheeda :D

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