Chapter 7

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I'm sorry for the late update, my mother took my tablet from me, so here is an extra long chapter for those who have waited patiently :)

The hotel room

I stared at my niece from across the table, a bruise formed on her cheek where she had been hit, her long black hair was in a mass of curls atop her head, her light grey eyes were darting nervously around the room, her full lips looked pale and cracked and she looked absolutely terrified, " here" I said, pushing a glass of water towards her, " thank you" she said shakily, she drank down the contents gratefully and then her eyes fixed on me. "So, what exactly do you want from me? What did he want from me? Why was I kidnapped? Who exactly are you? Please answer me" she said, tears welled in her eyes, she sniffled, " listen, you are a princess, now before you freak out, let me explain, you see your father and I were brothers, which makes me your uncle"

Thirty years ago
The southern Egyptian palace

"Sire, his majesty has just reported that he will be arriving in a matter of minutes, with his bride" Aldon Trington reported, he was the captain of the royal guards and he took his job more seriously than life, his majesty king Rale Alzeria nodded, " thank you Aldon you may leave now" he said, his first son, Ramon was about to bring home a bride, he could not be more proud, he would gladly pass over his throne to him with a proper princess to rule as queen by his side.

"Father, I've something urgent to announce to you" his second son Druco walked into the room "what's so urgent son?" He asked worriedly " it seems the eastern kingdom, wants to wage war against us, they believe we have disrespected them in some way" Druco told his father " what?!, how?!" His majesty spoke " from what I heard, big brother, has refused to take the princess as his bride, but took a maid instead, king Troye has taken it as disrespectful to him and his daughter, and said he wishes to wage war against our kingdom" he said again.

King Rale paled, he what?... his son did what?!... he couldn't believe his ears, his first born wouldn't do that, he had definitely raised him better than that, no, Druco was simply mistaken, " Tell them they made a mistake, Ramon w-wouldnt do that" he tried hard not to stutter, he knew that his second eldest was not one to lie, and it pained him to even think that what was said was true.

"There was no mistake made" Ramon said walking casually into the room, "I knew you wouldn't approve me taking a maid a bride, but father I love her, and I will marry her" he said again, he then pulled out a beautiful frail maid, she had bright blue eyes and raven hair she was beautiful in every sense.

"You are aware of the upcoming war, I presume!!?" King Rale yelled, " I've just found out" Ramon nodded, " are you that selfish that you would send your kingdom to there doom so that you can have a maid!!?" King Rale yelled again, his chest constricted with rage, " no father" Ramon said hesitantly, king Rale let out a relieved sigh " good.. then you'll marry the princess" his father said with finality, "no... I won't... I'll help persuade the king to reconsider, but I will marry my bride" Ramon said. King Rale felt his his face flame with rage, "THEN GET OUT!!! OUT..NOW!! NEVER COME BACK!! YOU SHALL NOT BE KING OF THIS KINDOM YOU TRAITOR!! LEAVE BEFORE I HAVE YOU HANGED!!" He shouted, his face red with rage.

Ramon left with his bride and never came back.

Present day...

"So the maid was my mother?" Dove asked Druco, " yes" he answered coolly, " okay.....but that still doesn't mean I have to go with you, it just proves that I have royal blood and I may be a p-princess, but that doesn't mean I'm the next heir...w-where are your children? You took over as king didn't you?" Dove said " true...but you are the rightfully heir by birth and.... my wife passed away ten years ago giving birth to my son who was a still born, I guess Osiris just didn't want me to have any family" he gave Dove a fake smile "I'm sorry to hear that" Dove whispered.

"The people that are after you are the people that still hold a grudge against your father, it took us 20 years to find him and his wife, but there was a hack and the enemy got hold of his whereabouts and...murdered them" he spoke painfully, Dove knew that her uncle loved his older brother despite his betrayal just by looking at him she felt tears we'll up in her eyes as an image of her parents flashed through her mind, "so in order to keep you safe and to keep the kingdom running I need you to come back with me" Druco said, although Dove wanted to finish college, she knew she couldn't do that if she were dead and she would rather live the luxurious life of a princess/queen than be hunted down and killed brutally, heck there was no contemplating, she'd made her choice in a blink of an eye " I will go with you" She said quickly, "there something else,.... you see, since our kingdom is small, we have arranged to make a union with another kingdom to combine the both and make it stronger, to help protect our citizens, in order to do that.... you'll have to marry the Prince of that kingdom his name is Ramses" Druco told her hesitantly.
"What?!" Dove exclaimed, " you want me to get married, as in an arranged marriage... with a total stranger?!" She shouted, her uncle was spouting absolute crap, and she was starting to feel like hyperventilating, he couldn't be serious right?, an arranged marriage, she didn't even have her first kiss yet much less a boyfriend, sure she had a few crushes here and there but that was all they were, just crushes,... marriage,...the word felt foriegn to her tongue, she had never thought about it in her 21 years of being alive, not once has she thought about being married, she was too young, too serious, too inexperienced, " if you agree there will be more protection from the enemy against you, and you can help your kingdom greatly" that was all she needed to hear, she was far to terrified of being kidnapped again, she didn't want to go through that again, and she also felt a strange sense of responsibility towards her kingdom, even if she never even knew it existed until fifteen minutes ago, " I'll do it...I'll marry Prince ramses"

Northern Egypt
The palace
Prince Ramses

"My son they have found your betrothed, she will be arriving in three days" king thore told his son Ramses as he sat in his throne room, his who was bowed before him snapped up quickly and stared at him in complete shock.
Prince Ramses couldn't believe what he was hearing, "betrothed?" He questioned his father, it was the first time he had heard of this and he was not enjoying this sudden surprise, " what are you speaking of father?" He questioned softly, " we are joining kingdoms with the southern kingdom, and you and their princess are to marry and rule" his father said smoothly, " this is outrageous!, an arranged marriage, father I--" " stop!, you will marry her, end of discussion!" He was cut off by his father, Ramses shut his mouth abruptly, there was no way on earth that he would marry her, he wouldn't ruin his youth so quickly he had at least a decade of roaming to do, there was simply no way he would be tied down this early, no.. he would come up with a plan, he would definitely get rid of her.

Thank you all for waiting, I actually took three days to finish writing this chapter, piece by piece, this is definitely the longest chapter I've ever written, so I hope you all enjoyed it, btw I'm totally enjoying wattpad's new settings, I wanna make this audible also
Anyways bye
Rhasheeda :D

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