Just Like Mean Girls...

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Math is a time for students to catch up on sleep they missed the night before, or a time to show your stuff at the only subject they are good at. For some it's even a time to text back the person who texted you last period. Never understood that, can't they wait another hour or so to text them back? Like, most of the time the person they are texting are supposed to be paying attention too. I should probably stop before I go on full rant mode..

ANYWAYS. Then there are regular people who just want to get good grades and participate when needed. Unfortunately, I don't fit in any of those categories. I'm that weird chick that does all her work on time, almost never raises her hand, stays quiet,  doodles all over her note book and get's straight A's every year. Some people call that a "nerd", but I find the "nerds" of high school are almost completely different than me. Other than the fact I get my working done and the straight A's part.

I am not sure where Megan fits in, I'm guessing just by this class she is the one that does her work the night before, get's good grades, and sometimes cheats during tests.It's amazing how much you can learn about someone in less than an hour when you pay attention. I mean, I should be paying attention to the lesson but Megan seems more interesting.

"Please finish the sheet to the best of your ability, it's ok if you don't understand a question; it's just a little paper to see where  you are, and what we need to work on longer." That is what I heard the teacher -Mrs. Nowatt- say right before a pile of sheets were passed down to Megan and I. We gave each other a look and grabbed 2 sheets, then passed them down to the people behind us.

I got a pencil out of my bag, and when I looked up lots of people were on their phones. I'm guessing sending an S.O.S to their friends or tweeting about having to do work on the first day of school. Poor souls. Never stood a chance.

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The quiz...test...thing wasn't that difficult just some basic stuff. I don't think Megan found it easy. She kept looking around the room and looking in her bag. I used to do that in middle school during math and science tests, it's a good way to stall without looking that stupid.

"That. Was terrible." Megan said to me as we walked out of the class room.

"No it wasn't!" I kept telling to her as we walked down the hallway to... a certain class that I don't know the name of. I'm just aimlessly following Megan around hoping something good will come out of it. "What class are we going to now?" I asked her.

"ENGLISH!" She shouted, which got us some weird looks in the corridor. Hey! That's the same dude who wouldn't help me this morning. Meanie... But look where I am now, I am heading to second period without his help. Who needs him. Well I did this morning... but that is beside the point.

English class was just down the hall from Math, so it wasn't that far of a walk. Megan and I went to our lockers (Which are coincidently 3 lockers down from each other) to drop off the text books Mrs. Nowatt handed out after the "quiz". 

2 minutes later Megan and I were standing near 2 other people, who I am guessing are friends with her because they all hugged her once she stepped foot into the class. I just kind of stood there awkwardly until Megan finally introduced me to her other friends.

"Penelope, this is Josh and Annie!" The brown haired girl pointed to the 2 people.

Josh was kind of tall. He had a very structured face with a little quiff coming up for his hair. He had dull green eyes and had a tiny smirk on his plastered on his face. The boy was covered in freckles. He was wearing a horizontal wide stripped shirt with beige shorts that go down to his knees, matched with brown sandals.

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