How Did This Ever Happen?

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Sitting in class, listening to an old man talk, is fairly and utterly boring, it I may say.

I am currently in our EMT extracurricular class, listening to Mr. Hamilton drone on, about shit that no one cares about.

"Pst.... Pst...." I hear a buzzing sound from my left. I turn to see Adeline trying to get my attention.

"What?" I snap. She flinches but shakes it off.

"Can you wait?" She asked me excitedly.

"Wait? Until what?"

"Until Mr. Hamilton retires. Haven't you been listening?" She looks at me with a dumbfounded expression.

"No." I stated bluntly. She scoffs and twirls a piece of her hair in between her fingers as she turns to me.

"Today will be his last day. Eep! I wonder what the new teacher will be like. Will she be nice? Mean? Scary? Pretty, or ugly? Who knows?" She sighed.

"Yeah, who knows? Oh yeah, my parents are out of town working on a case, so they won't be back until next week, we need to hit some clubs tonight. I finally got Dave to make me that fake I.D." I tell her in a hush whisper.

"Seriously?!" I nod to her, and soon the bell rings.

"I can't wait! See yah after school, and we'll get ready together at your houre!" She yells to me as she jogs to her next class.

I laugh and walk into my last period.


"How about this one?" I ask as I step out from the changing cubicle.

"Nah. The color is all wrong for your skin,. You either need black or red. Here let me go an search for one."

Adeline stood up from the bench and dart pacing through the store while I just stood there looking at myself in the big ten foot mirror.

"Woah, this dress is ugly." I muttered to myself. It was purple and came about knee length. It had a big bow in the back, and it was one strapped.

"Okay, here go try these." Adeline shoved a bunch in my arms and shoved me back into the little room, as she closed the curtain.

I tried on the red first. It was elegant, but slutty at the same time. It was about three inches below my butt, it was a backless, strapless, cocktails dress.

"Red, maybe." I called out. The curtain opened and Adeline gasped.

"Now try on the black." She closed the curtain as I stripped and put on the black dress.

It was a tight piece. It had sleeves that were see through and made of lace. They went to my elbow, and hung off my shoulders, revealing my collar bone, and my shoulders. The back went down in a 'v', and the front clung to me, showing all of my curves that I didn't even know I had. The dress ended right under my butt.

"The black is a go.!," I shout as she claps.

I change back and we go pay for our dresses. She has an emerald dress. It mid-thigh, one strapped and tight.

"Lets go back to my place and get ready." I tell her. We jump into my car as she just nods and we make it back to my place.


Three hours later, 2 dresses, 4 shoes, 4 earrings, 1 necklaces, make-up, hair, and pampered ready.

"Wow." Addie gushed. She was wearing her emerald green dress, with black pumps. Green tinted diamond earrings, a green pendent necklace, makeup, and hair was in an elegant bun atop other head, with a few strands of hair hanging out.

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