Chapter 6.

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My mind was spinning as I slowly closed my eyes. His lips were warm and soft as I remembered when we fist kissed. The night of my dare. He was part of my dare.

But this time.... It isn't a dare. He's not a dare this time. He's my 21 year old teacher.... Who I find that I liked kissing.

He's smart, handsome, a gentleman, nice, kind-heart, he's my coaches brother and he's my teacher.

He's-- holy fuck! He's my damn teacher.

Pushing him away from me, we locked eyes.

"What. The. Fucking. Hell.?. What do you think that you were doing?" I glared at him.

"Kissing. What did you think that I was doing?" He smirked.

"Go to bed." I told him.

"You're not my mother." His smirk grew.

"Well, we're done playing this game." I stood up.

"Then lets play another one. Twenty questions." He stayed on the floor.

"Fine." I flopped back down in front of him.

"What do you look for in a guy?"

"He has to be smart, funny, persistent, not too cocky, but enough to be confident. It doesn't matter if he's ugly, but he has to have a good personality. Like... He has to be kind and loyal.. He has to be here for me when I'm in need just like I would be for him. He has to appreciate any little thing because who knows? A little kid put there in the world might be starving while he dumps a big plate of food into the trash can for waste. We need to at least have some things in common, but not much because a relationship where you know everything about that person will soon end. And he would have to confess his own opinions because the we would never argue and if we don't, then that relationship is doomed." I sighed dreamily as I thought about the perfect guy.

"Wow." Nate smiled.

"What about you? What do you see in a girl?" I asked him.

"It doesn't matter about looks, she has to be big-hearted and kind. Sweet, humorous. She needs to be loyal and dependent. She needs to be confidence. She needs to speak the truth and her own mind. Because I agree with you on the relationship thing. She needs to be cocky and oh out there. She shouldn't let people trump all over her he smiled at me once again.

"Wow." I breathed.

"If you could be anything or anyone in the world, what would you be?"

"What would I be?" I asked, confused at his question. He nodded with a smile.

"A shark. Simple. I would be a shark."

"A shark.?. Really?! And why's that!!?" He asked as his smile grew into a beam.

"Because. A shark is cocky, confident, it can dominate anything or anyone. It can swim with the fish or dolphins. Of course I would want to be a shark-vegetarian. Mainly because I don't like fish." I chuckled., "a shark has many friends too. It can see the beauty of being underwater, thousands of feet down. It has the ability to swim miles and miles to no end. And they're beautiful creatures." I finished. Nate was looking at me in awe-.

"What about you? What would you be?" I asked after he just stared at me, with a smile.

"I would be.... A bird." He chuckled.

"Really?! Come on, everyone says that." I chuckled. He shook his head.

"Yeah but I actually have queues a few reasons. Birds are beautiful, elegant, adequate, smart, and they can fly. Would love to fly." I cut him off.

"If you wanna fly so bad, get on a plane. Or be a flight attendant." He laughed sarcastically.

"Ha-ha. And before I was rudely interrupted, I would love to fly--"

"Get on a plane." I cut him off once again.

"Stop..." He chuckled. I nodded, surrendering.

"Any-who, I would love to fly...." He paused to see if I was going to interrupt him, but I kept my mouth shut.

"Because, I could see and touch the clouds, I could see everyone, well not everyone, but you get what I'm saying. Also because if I was pissed-off at some-one I could just easily fly by and shit on them." He chuckled, as I full-on laughed up a storm.

"That's gold." I wiped a tear from my cheek.

"Yeah..." He chuckled once again.

"Anyways.... Moving on.... What's your favorite movie.?" I asked.

"Plural- movies- the lord of the rings." He smirked.

"Are- are you serious.? I do too. Haha.. I have all three and I have the hobbit." I confessed.

"Seriously. Who's your favorite character?" He asked with a small smile.

"They're all my favorite."

"Great answer. Me too."

"Cool. Do you watch cartoons.!?" I asked him, all serious.

"Duh. I watch baby loony toons." He smiled. I squealed.

"Me too. I love tweety bird."

"Please. The tazzmanian devil is better." He scoffed.

"Are you kidding me right now? Never will the manian whatever it is will be better than MY tweety bird!.!.!." I protested.



"No!" He shouted.

"Yes!" I shrieked.

He got up in my face.

"No." He said calmly. My breathing hitched.

"I said... I said yes." I breathed. His hand sent to the back of my neck.

"And I said no." He whispered.

"Yes." I stated more stern. He brought his lips to my ear.

"No." And then his lips touched right under my ear, sending me shivers.

His lips touché more firm after he saw that I wasn't pulling back. His lips trailed from my neck, to my collar bone, to my chin, to the side of my lips and then they hovered above my lips.

"Nate..." I whispered.

"Hmm.?." He hummed.

"Tweety bird is better. tazz is not. if you say it again, I won't hesitate to punch you.." I threatenly whispered. My breath fanning over his lips.

"Tazzmanian devil is so so so much better than your lame ass yellow bird." I could just tell that he was smirking.

"I so want to punch you right now. But I want to kiss you also." I blurted as he chuckled.

"Which one do you want to do?" He asked.

"Both." I admitted.

"Well. Do it." And with that I cursed my lips onto his... We stood up without breaking the kiss. His hands went the back isn't thighs as he lifted me up, my legs went around his waist. I could feel his hardness as it was pressing into me.

"Adara.." He moaned against my lips. I broke out of my daze and jumped from his waist and planted my feet onto the floor.

That action caused his eyes to snap open and look at me in worry.

"What's wr--" I cut him off. Of by words, or my lips.... But my fist...

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