Chapter 2.

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"Me!" He chirped. I stood up, and walked dangerously close to him.

"I still don't like you."

"Well, that kiss said otherwise." He smirked. I shook my head and Before I could say anything else, coach cleared his throat as he stood beside of me.

"Nate, shouldn't you be holding a class right now?" Coach asked. Wait, huh? I'm confused.

"Mr. DJ, are you the new EMT/CPR teacher?"

"Yes, why yes I am." He smirked.

"And when did you guys kiss?"

"And, Miss. Prescott, are you a student?" Mr. DJ asked me, ignoring coachs' question.

"Yes, yes I am." I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Them how'd you get into that club?" He smirked. I glared. Coach huffed.

"That doesn't matter how I got in. I'm still pissed at you."

"Guys! Do you two know each other?"

"Unfortunately." I turn to coach. He smiled and then turned to DJ.

"What kiss?"

"Oh, last night we were at the club, and her friend dared her to kiss twenty-six straight guys, and two gay ones." DJ then starts to cackle. While I glared, coach turned to me.

"You had... You had to kiss two gay ones!" He then started laughing.

"Coach! Shut up! And so they were hot. So Mr. DJ, I'll have you in my fifth period, great." I muttered in sarcastically.

"Yeah, I guess. And stop calling me that. I'm only a DJ there because its my brothers, your coachs' club here." I turned to coach in shock.

"Wait, you snuck into my club, last night?" He then was shocked. I smiled sheepishly and nodded.

"Did you drink?"

"Yes. A sprite." I smiled at his dumbstruck face.

"So Mr. DJ." Coach addressed DJ, in the way that I do.

"Nuh-uh. Not you too. Anyways Allison call me Mr. Murrell." Mr. DJ said and then turned and walked back into the school after telling coach that he needed his help later on today.

"So, you had to kiss my little brother huh?" Coach smirked. I groaned and we flopped back down onto the grass.

"Don't remind me. It was one peck and then he pulled me back in. I didn't even initiate it. Well, yeah I did,when I pecked him first but Adeline made me!" I said as I threw my head back and glared at the sky.

"Was he a good kisser?" Coach asked. I snapped my gaze to him before I smacked the back of his head. He laughed as he playfully glared at me, holding the back of his head.

"Don't ask me that. Now come on, lets play football, before the girls get back and start whining." I stand up and hold out my hand for him to take. He takes it and we both run over to the guys.


After gym, I took a shower, pulled on my dress, and shoes. I yanked my boots on, and stomped back to my gym locker. I grabbed my straightener, hair dryer, and curler, that I always left here at school for this reason.

It didn't take fifteen minutes for my hair to fully dry, it took about ten to straighten it as about ten to curl my hair. I don't apply hairspray, because where my hair is naturally wavy, it holds curls really well..

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