Chapter 5.

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Without replying, I turned the truck off and hopped out. I heard three more doors slam and I knew that they were all following me.

I passed several stones until I got to the one that yet to see the most.

I sat down on my knees Ingrid of the gravestone, as I traced the letters of his name.

Glancing at my phone, I realized that it was only 11:55P.M

"Hey, are you o-" Kaisen was cut off my Tyler's voice.

"Don't. She won't reply or at least speak until midnight strikes."

"Why?" Nate asked.

"You'll see." Addie sighed. Tyler sat down and started rubbing my back. Moments passed and my phone dinged. Indicating that it was in fact 12.

"Hey babe." I greeted. Hoping that e could hear me from up there.

"It's been a while. Happy birthday by the way, and happy death day as well." I chuckled bitterly. He died on his own fucking birthday.

"Hey man." Tyler sighed as he put a hand in the stone.

"It's been rough, yah know.?. But I've been keeping your promise. I'm looking out for her and the family. She's not going to move on, you know her she's stubborn, but she puts her self out there." He said looking at me and I smacked the back of his head.

"I'm right here yah know. And I'm trying. I really am trying." I said in a whisper.

"It's not easy. It's so not easy, knowing that this is the third year that I don't have you with me. This is the third damn year. And yes I cuss now. I'm surprised, so I know you would be." I laughed as a tear fell.

"Happy 19th man. Happy birthday." Tyler sighed. "Happy third year of death, and happy anniversary to you and Allison." Tyler continued. He also died on our anniversary.

We met when I was in fifth and he was in sixth. We hated each other for weeks and then he asked me out. We dated up until sophomore year and then he was diagnosed with cancer. Terminal. So there was no absolute cure.

"I'm sorry for breaking your promise. I really am. I just can't let go. I just can't. Caiden, if you were in my position, would it be easy for you to let go. I hope it wouldn't but, I can't. And I won't." I said to the sky.

"I hope your listening, because I probably look like a damn fool." I laughed.

"I stopped smoking like you wanted. I also stopped drinking." Tyler confessed. I smiled a teary smile at him as I fumbled with my necklace. The necklace that Caiden had given me on our anniversary. The day he died.

"We better get going." I turned to Tyler. He nodded and stood.

Turning back to the grave stone, I smiled.

"I hope your having fun up there. I'll talk to you soon. Forever and always, I'll love you." I then stood and without a word, Tyler slung his arm over my shoulders and Addie held my hand as we walked back to my truck. Nate and Kaisen speechless, behind us.


After arriving home, the brothers were still speechless. I walked up to my room, as the guests followed behind. I entered my room to see three sleeping bags in the floor. Covers and pillows all around.

"I call blue." Tyler announced.

"I get the red sleeping bag." Kaisen shouted.

"Aww, I want red." DJ-- I mean Nate whined. I laughed.

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