Chapter 4.

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"Seriously?" I shrieked with laughter.

"Seriously." They both smiled.

"So you." I pointed towards coach.

"Had your first kiss with a guy." I laughed harder.

"Yeah." He chuckled.

"Our mom still has the picture. Kaisen's face was hilarious. We were in the park and mom was taking pictures as was Danny's mom. The little boy who kissed Kaisen. And Kaisen was mad, because even though I'm two years younger than him and was in kindergarten I had already had my first kiss, and Danny was jealous too, because he never been kissed and they were both in second grades. So mom happened to turn around and snap a picture right when Danny started crying, and grabbed Kaisen and kissed him right smack on the lips." DJ laughed.

"I have to see that picture." I wiped tears from my eyes.

"Okay. Moving on." Coach announced.

"Okay. Coach: what's your favorite color, age, and how was it having your first kiss of the same sex.." I laughed.

"Ha-ha." He chuckled sarcastically.

"Anyways. It's blue. 23. And it was not fun." Coach chucked.

"DJ, was it funny and what's your favorite color?" I turned to DJ.

"It's Nate. Call me Nate. And I don't now I can't really remember, but I say that it was hilarious. I mean the picture is funny. My favorite color is green. And I'm 21 thanks for asking." He said sarcastically at the end.

"Okay, Nate. And I figured you were twenty one since you said that he was two years older and he is 23. My favorite color is yellow and black. Yellow because no one likes it and black because its the combination of every color. Oh and I'm 18 in like two weeks." I smiled.

"That's cool." Coach smiled.

"I'm so sorry coach. I can't get the picture of you kissing a boy out d my mind." I started laughing.

"Call me Kaisen. And stop laughing" he grumbled.

"Fine what do you wanna know about me?" I asked.

"Boyfriend?" Coach.... I mean Kaisen asked.


"Ever had one?" Nate asked. That question hurt.




"True or false: all's fair in love and war?" Coach asked.


"Nice answer."

"Alright, times up guys." Tyler said, as he opened my bedroom door.

"Lets go." Tyler said as he pulled me up. I nodded and we all went back upstairs and into the game room.

"Okay. Lets continue this. Coach spin the bottle." Tyler said.

Coach spun the bottle and it landed on Addie. She picked truth.

"Is it true that you and Allie have this dare competition going on?"

"Yeah. True." Addie smiled and then smirked when she turned to me.

"Hmm. Soon Adeline." Coach told Addie. She smiled and spun the bottle. It landed on none other than me.

"Ugh. Truth."

"Nope, no more truth's. it's only dares." Tyler smirked as I groaned. Addie chuckled and then she motioned for me to stand up.

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