Chapter 3

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GUYS! This is chapter three. SKIP FORWARD TO CHAPTER TWO. I accidentally swapped them. So remember go forward to chapter two and then come back to chapter three. SORRY!


";Mom, people's arriving!" I yelled up the stairs. Mrs. Patrick and mom emerged from my parents room and came down stairs. Mom had snacks and everything set up for my friends in the game room, and had some snacks and stuff set up in the lounging area for some of my teachers, my parents' friends and my parents.

"Hello." My mom greeted at the door. I trudged into the kitchen. Not caring if I have guest or not. This whole 'invite your friends over' was not my idea. It was my parents', or my mothers'.

"Hey sweetheart, take your coach an his brother an some f your friends to the game room." Mom said as she entered the kitchen. I groaned but complied as I exit the kitchen.

"Kaisen, DJ, Addie, and the rest f you young people, follow me." I yelled. They all looked up and followed me to the third floor. I pushed open the door which had three big screen TV's, two couch's, a few been bag chairs, and each TV had an Xbox hooked up to it.

Bored, I walked over and stepped out onto the balcony. Addie was playing black ops 2 with some of the guys so, I had no one.

"Hey, Allie, come in. We're gonna play some games." I heard a male voice call out to me. I turned to see that it was Tyler. A football player from my school. I smiled as I made my way inside.

"Okay, what are we playing?" Coach asked as he sat down opposite from me.

"Coach? You're playing?" Tyler asked.

"Hey, I'm young aren't I?" He smirked as he winked at me.

"Count me in." DJ shouted as he sat down beside of coach.

"Okay...." Tyler sighed. I stood up suddenly.

"I have to change." I declared as I stumbled out and went to the second floor, and into my bedroom.

Grabbing..... 'His' sweatshirt, I took off my dress and threw it on. I then grabbed a pair of to ago shorts, and pulled on a pair if socks and walked up to the third floor and into the game-room.

"Okay." I sighed as I flopped back onto the ground in front of a bunch of boys and girls.

"Allie." Addie shrieked. I looked at her weirdly and I felt everyone's red on me.

"You're wearing 'that' sweatshirt?" She asked softly. I cast my gaze onto the floor as I stretched my legs out in front of me.

"Yeah." I sighed. I don't want to think about 'him' right now. I honestly dot know why I put it on.

"Are you okay?" She asked. Everyone was still looking at me. Including DJ, and coach.

"Everything's fine. Lets play." I smiled. Addie sighed, not buying what I am selling but she doesn't say a word.

"Okay, we're going to play truth or dare." Tyler exclaimed giddily.

"Ty....." A girl groaned. He just smiled brightly and placed and empty coke bottle in the center of the circle. He spun it and it landed on Bridget. A girl from school.

"Truth or dare?"

"Truth." She smirked. Tyler sighed as he raked his hand through his hair. Looking slightly agitated, his far soon brightened up and a smirk was plastered on his gorgeous face.

"Is it true..... That you.... Are lesbian?"

Gasping, "No, I am bisexual." She then smirked as they guys cheered her on.

"Moving on. I muttered. I watched as Bridget spun the bottle and it landed on some other guy.

I just droned out, since it wasn't landing on me.

"Allison." I snapped my gaze to coach as he was smirking.

"Yes?" I asked hesitantly.

"Truth or dare?" I sighed.

"Um.... Truth." His smile dropped but he instantly perked back up.

"Do you like anyone in this room?"

"No." I said bluntly. He smiled and I noticed that DJ's smiled dropped.

"Your turn to spin." Coach told me.

"Fine." Huffing I spun the bottle an it landed between the coach and DJ.

"Okay, here are the new rules." Tyler announced as he clapped his hands.

"If it lands between two players, then the spinner and the two people have to get up and go into a room, for fifteen minutes, and learn anything that you can about each other. Now go." Tyler smiled. I groaned and we all three stood up. I led them downstairs, onto the second floor and into my room.

"This your room?" Coach asked. He closed the door and flopped onto the blue bean bag. I sighed and nodded as I flopped onto the sky blue one. DJ, sat down on my pink one.

"So tell me about yourselves." I asked the boys. They smirked at the same time.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2013 ⏰

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