A Drop In The Ocean

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“Was that your ex?” Ashley asks, keeping her eyes on the road as we drive to my parents house. I put the address in her GPS so I wouldn't have to give her turn by turn directions.

“Yeah.” I reply softly, not really wanting to get into a conversation about Carmen.

“Sore subject?” She questions, turning and looking at me briefly.

“You can say that.” I tell her with a nod. “Carmen doesn't really deserve to be talked about to be honest. Um... she cheated on me and then paraded around with the girl in my face the next day like it didn't happen.” As the words leave my lips I can feel the tears building. My wound still a bit open. Carmen was my first girlfriend and I thought she would be my only. How very lesbian of me right? Well I didn't come out until senior year of high school...to myself and to others. My parents took it better than I thought they would and well Lexy... when I told her she said and I quote, “Thank fucking God cause I was so sick of pretending like I didn't know.” She'd told me she was gay in like third grade believe it or not. I think after I came out our relationship grew much stronger. We had more in common, I guess.

“Well she's stupid.” Ashley says, causing me to look at her. She glances at me again, alternating between my eyes and the road. “Anyone that would cheat you Spencer, is stupid.” She says again and I can see the honesty in her eyes.

What do I say to that?

“Thanks.” Falls from my lips before I could stop it. Thanks? Thanks! Wow, nice one Spencer.

Ashley chuckles and nods. “You're welcome...” She narrows her eyes at me. “I guess.”

You have arrived at your destination.” The GPS tells us, breaking our staring match as Ashley puts the car in park.

“We're here.” I say for no reason.

“Yeah.” She nods. “I gathered.” She adds with a smile.

“Spencer!” I hear my mom yell from the door. I drop my head and sigh, rolling my eyes as I turn to look at her. Oh God, she's running towards the car with her arms open, waiting for me to fill them. Why is she running? I turn back to Ashley to see her laughing.

“That's your mom huh?” She nods towards an excited blonde.

I sigh. “Yup.” I shake my head as I exit the car. “Hi mom.” I barely get out as she engulfs me in a hug.

“Don't you ever make me wait nine whole months to see my baby ever again.” She tells me sternly as she squeezes me even tighter. I think she should be having this conversation with God... don't you?

Get it?

Get it?

“Mom you're crushing my clavicle.” I tell her trying to catch my breath.

“Oh don't be ridiculous.” She says releasing me. I hear Ashley chuckle as she gets out of the car. “Ah!” My mom shouts, running around to the other side of the car. “You must be Carmen?” She questions, pulling Ashley into a hug.

“Mom that's not Carmen.” I tell her quickly. She gives me a confused look. “I told you, Carmen and I broke up three weeks ago.” I add, rolling my eyes as she releases Ashley.

“Oh!” She says, looking at me then turning back to Ashley. “Then who is this?” I let out a puff of air, frustrated at how annoying my mom is being right now.

“I'm Ashley.” Ashley tells my mom through a chuckle, holding out her hand for my mom to shake.

“Well aren't you polite.” My mom says, disregarding Ashley's hand, pulling her into a hug.

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