She Is Love

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"Good morning." I roll over to see Stacy smiling at me. When did I even fall asleep?

"Morning." I mumble out as she pecks my lips. "When did I fall asleep?"

She sits up and stretches, "Around three I think. Right after Mikey and Joey began their game of who can belch the loudest." She chuckles shaking her head at the memory.

"Did everyone sleep over?" I can't stop imagining Ashley and Lexy in the same bed. Oh shit the picture! What room are we in? I shoot up, sitting straight up on the bed trying to remember what room we ended up storing the picture in.

"Yeah. I think so. You okay?" She asks, raising a brow at my action.

I swallow thickly, racking my brain to try to remember what room we'd place the picture in last. "Yeah." I nod. "Fine." I hope that didn't come out like it did in my head.

"Okay baby." She leans forward onto the bed and kisses me again. I need to get ready, I have to go home and change I have work in like..." She pauses and looks down at her watch. "Two hours." I nod as she walks into the bathroom connected to the room we're in. I scramble off the bed, falling to the floor in the process.

"Owie." I mumble out, rubbing my side. I hit the ground hard. I look under the bed to see if the picture is there. I let out a huge sigh of relief when I see it's not.

I guess the boys were smart enough to not let Stacy choose the room we'd hidden the photo in.

I grab my phone off the nightstand to text Madison.

'You're still at Ashley's right?'

'Duh bitch, where else would I be? I have a nice view of your fat head too, btw.' I chuckle and shake my head at her.

'I don't even remember falling asleep. Thanks for taking that room.'

'Yeah, yeah. I'm tired of saving your ass Carlin. Stacy was tryna choose this room.'

'Well I'm lucky to have a best friend such as yourself.' I text back, grinning at the cheesyness of it.

'Bitch, speak twenty-first century please and thank you. What are we doing today?'

'Stacy has to work and I think Lexy does too.' I text back.

'Did I ask you what thing one and thing two were doing? We as in us. Me, you and Aiden. Maybe Ashley cause I actually like her. You know... when her face isn't attached to yours. 'I throw my head back and chuckle as I reread the text. This girl cracks me up.

"What's so funny baby?" I glance up and see Stacy laying across the bed, trying to look at my phone. I quickly get up from the floor, locking my phone and placing it back on the nightstand.

"Nothing." I shake my head and smile at her. "Are you gonna stay for breakfast?" I ask as I walk towards the bathroom.

"Maybe." She nods. "Hurry k? I wanna at least get to say a proper goodbye before I go." She smirks and I force a smile before heading into the bathroom to shower and freshen up. I put a robe on and head back into the room, knowing I have to go to Ashley's closet to get something to wear. I tighten my robe when I see the look on Stacy's face. She gets up from the bed and approaches me slowly.

"I'm just gonna go see if Ashley has anything for me to wear." I thumb towards the door but she's not letting me go that easily.

"You know what I would love to do right now." She starts, taking her bottom lip between her teeth as she scans my robe covered body. She leans closer to me, "Kiss you." She whispers. "Here..." She says kissing my neck softly. "And hear." She places a kiss on my collar bone. "And here." She moves my robe to the side a bit and kisses the top of my left breast. I moan involuntarily at the contact.

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