Favorite Girl

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I roll over, realizing Ashley is no longer next to me. I groan and sit up. We fell asleep entangled in each other last night.

In case you're wondering...no, nothing happened.

After our little confession we just spent the rest of the night talking.

It was amazing actually.

I'm not sure who fell asleep first, I just know that the tranquility of her arms around me made me feel so... safe.


I grab my phone off the table and see I have a few text and a couple missed calls from my mom, Madison and Carmen.

'I called you bitch. Our plane lands in that God awful city at eight thirty. Don't be late hoe.' I chuckle and shake my head as I read her next text. 'You better not be hooking up with that Ashley chick. Why aren't you answering my text?' And the next. 'Oh so it's like that? Okay, I got you!' Uh oh, I'm in trouble. I smile as I text her back.

'I'm sorry, I fell asleep last night. I promise I won't be late getting you guys from the airport. Los Angeles is the best city on earth Mads! And don't you forget it.' I can already hear Madison going off in Spanish when she reads this text. You see I didn't even attempt to address that Ashley comment. I hit send and throw my phone back on the table. I'm not even gonna read what Carmen sent.

And I'll call my mom back after I've had a chance to wake up.

I'm sure she doesn't want anything anyways.

I sigh and fall back into the couch, remembering me and Ashley's conversation. The replaying of Ashley's words brings a smile to my face.

"Good morning." A raspy voice pulls me from my thoughts. I look up to see Ashley standing in front of me in different clothes, a smile on her face and a tray of food in her hands. This girl seriously has to be a morning person. It's only eight in the morning and she's already showered, dressed, and cooked me breakfast.


She cooked me breakfast.

"Good morning." I reply and smile as she sets the tray of food down in front of me on the coffee table.

"I wasn't sure what you'd be in the mood for so I just um... kinda cooked everything we had." She says and nervously plays with her hands. I've never seen Ashley nervous.




"Everything okay?" I ask, picking up a piece of bacon from the tray and eating it.

"Yeah." She nods, dropping her hands to her side.

"Ashley." I say simply, tilting my head and quirking a brow. I've known her long enough to know when something's wrong.

"Fine." She sighs, closing her eyes. This must be big. "I wanna take you somewhere." She says quickly before turning to walk about into the kitchen.

"Wait, that's it? You're acting like this right now because you wanna take me somewhere?" I ask, holding in a chuckle.

"Yes." She stops, turning back to me and nodding.

"Is that place like horrible or something?" I ask with a raised brow. I mean, what could have her flipping out like this.

"You can say that." She purses her lips, shrugging her shoulders and nodding.

I narrow my eyes at her. "Where is it?"

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