California Girls

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“I hate to point out the obvious...” Ashley starts, trying to break the awkward silence that has now filled her car. Neither of us have said a word since we left my parent's house. I don't really know what to say anymore. “Clay's um... well he's not...he's not really the same--”

“He's adopted.” I chuckle a little as she stumbles over her words. Probably trying to find the right words to not sound like a complete asshole. “We took him in when I was four.” I add.

“Ah!” She nods. “Okay. I was wondering there for a sec.” She adds with a chuckle.

“Paula?” I turn and question with a raised brow. “Nah.” I shake my head. “She'd never do that to my dad. She's as clean as they come.”

“That's cool.” She nods, keeping her eyes trained on the road. “Faithfulness in a relationship is important.” She adds after a moment. I turn to look at her and I can see she's mentally berating herself.

“It is.” I assure her. Because I do believe in being with one person when you're with someone. I would never...before Ashley the thought would have never crossed my mind to do any of the things I've been thinking. Lexy is my absolute best friend and I would never want to hurt her. Especially not in that way.

“So where exactly are we going?” Ashley chances a glance in my direction.

I pop up my shoulders once before saying, “No clue.” She laughs and I smirk proud of myself. Then I feel a wave a guilt wash over me.

I shouldn’t be happy that I make her smile and laugh, or the fact that my mother loves her. These should not be things I want.

But they are.

I sigh quietly and busy myself with my camera as I check the memory card. I faintly hear Ashley turn up the radio. Katy Perry's California girls leaking out through the speakers. I check my camera to make sure everything is how I want it. I easily get lost as I fuss over the buttons. I snap my head up as I hear Ashley chuckling to herself.

“What’s so funny?” I ask with a raised brow. Her smile widens.

“You. I’ve been calling you for like ten minutes now and nothing.”

I smile, embarrassed as I feel my cheeks get hot. I place my camera in my lap and slouch a little in my seat, as Ashley aimlessly drives around. I sigh, taking in the familiar streets. It feels really good to be home, I think as I stare out the window, when suddenly a thought dawns on me.

“Take a right at the next block.” I say, sitting up in my seat.

“Ugh finally, I was about to say...” She pauses and turns to me. “Gas ain’t cheap, Spencer.”

I smile and shake my head before giving her instructions on where to go. I'm faintly aware that the further we go, the more skeptical she’s getting. We're in the suburbs now and the houses are getting bigger and bigger and with big houses, come big backyards. The bigger the house the more obnoxiously huge the backyard is likely to be.

“Spencer where the hell are we going?” She sounds a little nervous. It’s cute.

“Trust me.” She gives me a wary look and I flash a toothy smile. I hear sigh and drive on. “Okay, pull up over there.” I point just ahead of us. She does so without hesitation.

Hmmm I like a girl who can take direction.

I immediately shake those thoughts from my head.

Lexy’s girlfriend Spencer!

I really wish my brain would shut up sometimes.

Yes, yes I know.

Me and my stupid morals.

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