Jennette McCurdy

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Suddenly, Ariana is shocked awake by someone tickling her armpits!

"Mmm oo ms mhat?"

Silence. The only noise she can hear is the fingers scratching her poor armpits.

"Dont you worry who i am! Im just a friend!"
Jennette said laughingly.

Suddenly, Ariana felt the tickling in her armpits stop.

"Mmmhhhpph mmmmmm" she gasped through her nose.

"I wonder which is most ticklish? Your feet, your toes, your soles, or your armpits?" Jennette said tauntingly.

"Nnnnnnmmmmther" Ariana struggles to say neither through the duck tape.

"I know what we will do! How 'bout we start with some feathering on and in between your cute toes!!" Jennette says as she gently runs two feathers around and on Ariana's toes!

"Mmmmpppphhh mmmppppphh" Ariana tries to move or do anything to rid the tickling!

"Whats that Ari? You like it when i feather your cute toes? Yay, ok ill keep doing it then!!" Jennette says as she gently whisps the feathers up and down Ari's toes.

(10 minutes later)

"Ok Ari ill give your toes a break. Take a quick breather before we move on!"

Ariana breathes heavily through her nose "mmmmmpppph mmmmmpph"

Then suddenly, Jennette quickly starts feathering her arches and soles!

"Break over!!"

"Nnnnppphh" Ari tries to shake her feet but to no avail!

"Awww you like having your soles and arches tickled just like your toes!! Tickle tickle tickle!!!" Jennette says laughingly as she lightly feathers Ari's arches and soles!

"Also Ari, i brought a special treat for you!!" Jennette says!

"Mmm?" Ari moans while trying to catch her breath.

"Its alittle fun thing my mom ordered for our halloween party last year. Its called 'Coffin Ooze' and its in a palm sized coffin and inside the ooze is a bug of some sort. Well, ill took the bugs out and i brought alot of it! Im not gonna tell you what im gonna do with it yet tho!" Jennette said mischievously. "However, i will take that tape off your mouth and let you breath better for a few minutes." She reaches over and carefully peels away the duck tape from Ariana's mouth.

"Ahhhhh" Ari gasps as she sucks in a big breath of fresh air. "Finally thank you!"

"Oh no problem! Im pretty sure you could use a breather after all that tickling!" Jennette says.

"Yea definitely! So, will you please let me out now?" Ari asks.

"Oh no hahaha you arent done yet! Ha not nearly close to being done! Heck, the fun has only just started!" Jennette says excitedly!

"Oh cmon! If your not gonna let me out, atleast tell me what is coming next." Ariana says.

"I already told you one of the things thats coming. I just didnt say how it will be used yet tho! Dont you worry cutie!" Jennette smiles and quick runs a finger down Ariana's armpit. Jen gets up and opens the door.

"Where are you going?" Ari asks.

[Goes to get fake nails and turn the heat up in Ari's room]
("Dont worry! Ill be back in awhile!" She says as she leaves the room, closing the door behind her.

Ariana partiently waits for Jen to return but gives up after 10 minutes and decides to take a nap. Ari is dreaming when she starts to hear someone call her name and they are getting louder and louder. She jumps awake as Jen touches her foot quick and says her name.

"Hey cutie! How was your nap?" Jen says. "It was pretty good. How long was i out?" Ari asks. "Well i was gone for about an hour and fortyfive minutes so you were asleep for about an hour and a half." Jen informed her. "Okay. Dang, is it hotter in here or is it just me? I feel really sweaty right now." Ari exclaimed. "Well you are pretty hot Ariana, hahaha, but yes, i turned up the temp when i left earlier" Jen says. "Why'd you turn it up?" Ari asks. "I turned the heat up because sweat makes skin more slippery and sexy!" Jen says excitedly! "I dont want my skin to be sweaty tho" Ari says "But i do." Jen says quickly. "Why?" Ari asks. "Because it makes my fingers slide and move easier on your skin when i tickle you!!" Jen says happily! "Noo cmon dont tickle me again!! What ever happened to that gel stuff you told me about earlier?" Ari asks. "Oh the gel is coming just not yet." Jen says. "What was the thing you went to get then?" Ari asks. "Oh i almost forgot to show you!" Jen holds up her hands to show Ari her nails "I got some fake nails to have some fun with!" Jen said happily. "Oh god no please dont tickle me with fake nails, those are so long and big!" Ari pleads nervously. "Oh dont worry Ari! Itll be fun!" Jen says as she picks up a role of duck tape and starts to rap it around Ariana's head like it was before. "Wait stop, please dont do this again!" Ariana pleads as Jen wraps it around her head and the seat a third time. "We dont want you to be able to move while your being tickled because then its not completely torturous if you can move alittle. Plus, it adds to the effect of you only being able to look up and forward so you cant see whats coming!" Jen says antagonizingly. "Alright, 6 times around just like before!" "Please dont do this Jen im begging you ple" Ariana gets cut off when Jen places a piece of Duck Tape over her mouth again with a little slit allowing her to breathe but not let alot of noise out.

"Nopppph ppllmmmme noopph" Ari tries to plead. She feels slow, light scratching in her armpits. "Nnppppppmmh hamammmmpph" she laughs
"I love super sweaty, ticklish armpits! Especially cute armpits like yours Ariana!" Jen says happily as she tickles Ari's armpits faster and faster!

"I cant imagine what its like Ariana. Tied down tight in a room with the temp set between 80 and 90 degrees, with your arms up and your toes tied back, getting tickled and not being able to do anything to stop it. Sounds hot actually. You know what i like hearing your cute little laugh so im gonna take the tape off your mouth instead." Jen carefully pulls the tape off. "There you go cutie!" Jen goes back behind her and starts to tickle her armpits again. "Hahahahahah oh my goodness that tickles hahahahahah pleahahahahah i cant take it anymore hahahah"

"Aww you sound like your having fun with all that laughter! Just wait till we get to your feet and toes!!"

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"Aww you sound like your having fun with all that laughter! Just wait till we get to your feet and toes!!"

"Hahaho oh god no! I cahahahant even haandle myhahaha haaarmpits for a few hahahahhaha minuthahahahah!"

"I must say Ari, you are the most ticklish person i have ever met! We should do this more often!" Jen says.

"Hahahahahahhahahahah oh my god your nails are killing me hahahahahhaha")

"Dont worry! We'll be back!" She says as she walks out of the room. The door closing behind her.

"We?" Ari says to herself quietly.

To Be Continued...

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