The First Surprise

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"Mmmmmmmhhhhh" she moans, but it's muffled by the gag that was out in her mouth.

She feels something hard tickling her feet, going up and down her soles. She figures it out. Someone is tickling her feet with brushes.

*oh my god why won't they stop* she thinks while laughing in a moan. She can feel the hundreds of little stems scrub the tips of her toes and then race down her soles and scrub her heels.

Katy looks at Kaley and says "See, the only thing that sucks about having that rag and gag in her mouth covering her face is that we can't see her adorable smile and hear her cute laugh."

"Maybe we will hear it better when we scrub her armpits." Kaley replies.

"Yea we'll have to see. I can't imaging how this must feel, having someone scrub your bare feet with a brush. Must be torturous." Katy says.

"Maybe one day you'll find out Katy" Kaley says.

"Ha! Yea no. I'll never be in the predicament that Ari is in." Katy says. "Here, we've been tickle scrubbing her feet for a few minutes now. You take some brushes and do her armpits. Let's see how this does." Katy says to Kaley.

"Okay" Kaley says as she grabs 2 new brushes and approaches Ari's upper body.

Ari is able to finally catch her breath. *Good god that was terrible. Worse part is, I don't know where or what is nex- oh god no* "mmmmmmpppppp mmmmmpppp" Her thought is cutoff by Kaley scrubbing her armpits. *This is really bad oh my god* Ari thinks. "Mmmmppp mmmpp"

"I think she likes it Katy. And if she doesn't, i sure do hahaha" Kaley says happily. "Did you bring any liquid by chance Katy?"

"Oh yea, I brought some lotion and even a bottle of dish soap!" Katy says.

"Oooh let me see the dish soap please." Kaley says.

Katy hands her the bottle and she pops it open. She tips it just enough to let a small stream of soap out of the bottle and drip on Ariana's right armpit, then does it again on her left armpit.

Ari winces when she feels the soap land in her armpits. *oh god that feels weird. I hope it's nothing nasty. Oooh it's beginning to run down my armpits a little. Dear god what is happening?* she wonders.

"There we go!" Kaley says.

"Wow, that's actually a really good idea." Katy says surprised.

"Thanks. Now the scrubbing will really tickle!" Kaley says excitedly! She hands Katy the soap back and grabs the brushes again. She holds the brushes just over top of Ari's armpits, and slowly brings them down till they touch her skin.

"Mmmppp" Ari moans.

"Yup there it is! And I haven't even started moving yet!" Kaley says with a big smile on her face.

She begins to move the brushes up and down Ari's armpits slowly.


"Let's go a little faster. Get some bubbles going!" Kaley begins brushing faster and the bubbles start appearing. "There we go! This must tickle like absolute hell!"

Meanwhile, under the gag, cloth, ear plugs, and scrubbing brushes, Ariana is dying of laughter. She can almost not breath. The brushes are tickling her armpits so well that she is beginning to worry about being able to breathe.

*Oh my god this needs to stop soon! I almost can't breathe but I cant stop laughing. I'm just gonna have to suddenly stop moaning and attempting to wiggle and act dead, or moan as much as I can and try to move my body somehow to get them to stop. This tickling is unbearable. I'm pretty sure my armpits will be raw when this is over.* She thinks.

"Mmmmmmmpppp mmmmmpppph mmmmpppph" She laughs.

"Scrub a dub dub, two pretty armpits are scrubbed! Hahahaha tickle tickle tickle!" Kaley says.

"Mmmmmpppph mm-" Ari stops laughing and begins acting dead. She can't handle the tickling any more because she can't breathe.

Kaley doesn't notice though, but luckily she decides to stop using the brushes and tickle Ariana's soapy armpits with her fingers. As usual, she starts slowly and then digs in and gets faster.

Ariana doesn't expect this and suddenly starts laughing again. *Damnit why won't she stop! Luckily her fingers aren't as bad as the brushes are. Close but not close enough. Now just to get them to take this rag of my face.*

Kaley digs in harder. "I love this! My nails just slide all around her armpits now! If only we could hear her laugh. Actually, I haven't stopped tickling in awhile so I'm gonna make sure she is alive still."

Katy walks up to see as Kaley pulls the cloth and gag away from Ariana's face. They see her face is red and wet from all her tears.

Ariana takes a huge breath of air and sighs in relief.

"Ugh thank god you stopped! I was afraid I was gonna die there. What did you put in my armpits that worsened the tickling?" She asks.

"Dish soap." Kaley says.

"Holy shit that stuff is crazy. Now that you've stopped, can I please go home now?" Ari asks.

"No Ari. I'm sorry but your not going home for a long time." Katy says.

"Oh come on. You got your revenge or whatever and have tickled me almost nonstop for almost two full days now. Just let me go!" Ariana begs.

"I already told you. Your not going anywhere. I also told you I have surprises in store for you. The dish soap is surprise number one. I have a few more for you yet. Besides, that soap worked amazingly in your armpits so I want to try it on your pretty feet!" Katy explains.

Ariana rolls her eyes "Oh come on. Just let me go! No more tickling me! Not my armpits! Not my feet! Not my toes! No more! My skin is almost raw from all this anyways. Last thing I want besides to be tickled is to be tickled and have it hurt. I'm done. Let me out now Katy." Ari says.

"No" Katy says as she grabs the dish soap and walks down to Ariana's feet.

"Fine. Kaley, will you please let me out?" She asks.

Kaley looks at Katy. Katy mouths "no" to her but Ariana catches Kaley looking at her.

"Hey, don't look at her, look at me. You can make up your own mind without her help. Now, will you please let me out?" Ariana asks again.

Kaley looks at her and then looks up for a few seconds and thinks it through. She looks back down at Ari and says "No"

"Are you serious? What the fuck?" Ari says.

"Woah, watch the language." Katy says. "Only naughty girls swear. Do you know what happens to naughty girls Ariana?"

*Sigh* "Let me guess, they get tickled" Ari says

"Yup" Katy says as she drops some soap onto Ari's feet and lets it run from her toes, straight down her soles and onto her heels.

"Lovely" Ari says sarcastically as she feels the soap run down her feet.

"Now hopefully this will be as effective as it was in your armpits." Katy says as she sets down the soap and grabs her brushes.

Ari tries to prepare herself for the coming torture. She curls her toes and feels Katy start scrubbing up and down her feet and she looses it immediately.

"Oh my god! Hahahahahaha that tickles! Stahahahap plehehehehese" Ari begs.

"Oh no Ari, I'm just getting started!"

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