The Tables Have Turned

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Ari looks at Katy, her smile growing.

"Oh shit." Katy says.

They hear footsteps coming down the hall and Katy begins to yell so the person can try and help her. Ari runs for the duffle bag and pulls out a ball gag like the one Katy put on her.

She quickly gets one on Katy, not without a small fight from her tho of course. She stands back and goes quiet. She hears the footsteps stop and Katy tries to yell again but now it's very muffled. Ari hurries over to the door on tip toe in case it's one of the girls. She hears the footsteps go away and relaxes a tiny bit.

"I guess they couldn't hear you call for help Katy. Looks like your gonna be tied up a little longer." Ari says in a sexy but taunting voice.

She hears Katy moan something but doesn't pay attention to it.

"Lucky for them, unlucky for you. I say lucky for them because who ever walks through that door next is gonna get hurt."

A few minutes pass and no one comes so Ari decides to carefully do some exploring. She unlocks the door and peeks out. No one in sight, and no one that she can hear in the distance.

She hears Katy moaning in the back and determines that she is just begging to not be left alone all tied up. She closes the door anyways.

She quietly goes to the room next to the bathroom and unlocks it carefully. It lights up and she sees that it's the same exact room as hers basically. A couple chairs, a table and a bondage chair in the middle facing away from the door. She closes it and goes to another one.

She opens the door, lights come on, same layout. "Wow, someone's a great interior decorator." She says sarcastically. As she closes the door she can now hear someone coming her way. She gets back to her room and waits, ear against the door. She hears a female voice and they are singing.

"My god. Taylor is back." Ari says.

Katy tried moaning again to warn Taylor but it's no use.

Right as she hears the door unlock and begin to open, Ari runs at it and just as she is about to run into it, it swings open wide enough and she ends up running straight at Taylor.

Taylor tries to move but Ari is to fast. She jumps and puts her hands around Taylor's neck and slams her backwards into the ground just like a wrestling move.

To Ari's surprise, she did it hard enough that she knocked Taylor out cold. She picks her up and drags her to another room and uses the master key to get in.

Once in, she puts Taylor in that rooms bondage chair and ties her up. Then she leaves and shuts the door.

She goes back into her room and waits again. As soon as she gets back to Katy she says - "Two down, two to go."

She can tell by Katy's eyes that she is getting more nervous now.

"You know Katy, while we wait for Tori and Kaley to come back, I think we should spend the time having a little...what did you call it? Fun?" She says walking towards Katy's feet.

Katy begins to moan frantically and shake all she can to stop the hell she is about to endure.

Ari sits by her feet and looks at her. "Sucks to be completely vulnerable and at someone else's mercy...doesn't it" she says, taunting the hell out of Katy. She waves her hands up and down, wiggling her fingers all over, just missing Katy's bare soles. This is more than enough to cause Katy to start tearing up.

"Wow...haven't even started yet and your already crying. I almost feel bad for putting you through this. But then, I just think about what you and the other three did to me and I remember...that fingers are just the tip of the iceberg..." She says, beginning to slowly scratch the center of Katy's soles.

"Aww, more crying? If only you would've stopped when I first started crying. But like I said. This is just the first stage. Haven't even touched your toes yet. Much less your armpits. Gotta admit, I love watching your toes wiggle when I tickle your feet. It's really cute. Watching them stretch and strain against the ties. Little helpless tootsies just trying to get away from the tickling."

Ari begins to tickle the undersides of Katy's toes with just her fingernails.

"I would jump straight into your armpits but your little painted toes are too much fun! I love watching my nails turn them slightly pinker than usual. Oh, I almost forgot again...I believe you even...licked my feet and toes to correct?" Ari says with an evil smile.

She leans in and starts licking her soles from heel to toe, stopping in the center and then back up to her toes, getting each one individually and then all of them at once.

She looks up at Katy every now and then and sees that her face is nothing but a giant puddle. Her cheeks covered in tears and her tank top damp at the neckline with sweat.

She licks and sucks her feet and toes for another minute or two, only stopping when she hears more footsteps coming down the hall.

She gets up to go over by the door and listen and Katy takes a muffled breath of relief.

"Sounds like it's both Tori and Kaley."

Katy doesn't moan this time as she knows it's no use. She just has to hope one of them if not both of them can take Ari.

Ari backs up when she hears them reach the door.


Ari goes for it. Door opens almost just over halfway, enough for at least one of them if not both of them to start walking into the room.

Ari kicks the door as hard as she can without hurting herself and it flies back hard and hits one girl really well and gets a slight bit of the other. Kaley was the unfortunate one to take the brunt of the hit and had fallen back into a slightly dazed Tori. She is able to push the door back open and Ari goes for it again. Kicking the door back at them, she then grabs it and throws it open. She grabs Kaley and puts her in a headlock while looking over to see how dazed Tori is.
It's hard for Ari to tell how much time until Tori gets up so she clenches up on Kaley's neck until she passes out. She begins to drag her to another room right down the hall when she sees Tori start getting up.

She drops Kaley and runs at Tori, throwing a punch right as she reaches her. The punch lands in Tori's face and is enough to knock her out as well.

Ari stands up and looks at both girls - takes a breath - "That was fun."

She then walks back over to Kaley and grabs her by the wrists and begins to drag her into the next room. Ari flips on the light, and to her delight, finds another one of those weird chairs like she was tied to. She gets Kaley up and into the chair and immediately cuffs her arms above her head. She can worry about her legs later.

She runs back into the hallway and grabs Tori by the wrists as well and proceeds to drag her into another room with a chair. She gets her into the chair as well and cuffs her arms above her head. Now she grabs Tori's legs and sets her ankles in the stocks and locks those down. Then she heads back to Kaley to finish what she started.

She gets to Kaley and hooks her ankles in the stocks as well.

"Now I just wait till both girls wake up." She says. "But in the meantime, I'm gonna go have a visit with Katy!" She says with a smile.

She opens the door to her original room where Katy now is. " ready to have some fun?"

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