The Ooze Experiment

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The door opens. Ariana turns her head and sees Jen walk past her towards her feet with a large plastic jar filled with red stuff.

"What is that?" Ari asks.

"The thing i told you about earlier that we have planned for you." Jen says as she sits down and puts the large jar on her lap.

"It looks like some sort of jelly or gel" Ariana guesses.

"Its called coffin ooze! Its from a past halloween party i had and my mom got it as a party favor. It comes in little plastic coffins and inside is a creepy crawly. I took out the creepy crawlies and took the ooze out of a bunch of the coffins and put it all in some jars." Jen explains.

"Huh interesting. Now why do you have it here?"

"I have it here for Katy!"

"What is she gonna do with it?" Ari asks.

"Why dont you ask her yourself!" Jen replies as Katy walks in the room.

"Im back Ariana! Ready to have some more fun?!?" She says excitedly as she sits down and picks up the larger jar

"What are you gonna do with that 'coffin ooze'?" Ariana asks nervously.

Katy reaches in and pulls out a palm size chunk of red ooze "Well Ari, we are gonna do a little expirament. Im gonna put this ooze on your feet and in between your cute toes!"

Katy begins to place a chunk of ooze on both of Ari's feet and gently smoosh it between her toes.

"Oooooh ewww it feels so cold and weird! Stop it! Why do you have so much just for my feet?" Ariana exclaims.

"Oh Ariana im putting some of this ooze in your armpits too!" Katy says happily.

"No no oh god no! Please dont it feels so weird!" Ariana pleads.

Katy walks behind Ari and places another palm size chunk of ooze in each of Ariana's armpits, gently pushing down on it to make sure it sticks. "There we go!"

"Ewww its soooo nasty and odd feeling" Ariana cries out.

"Alright Ari. We are expiramenting to see if this ooze will make your skin softer. Jen and I are gonna leave you with this ooze on your feet and in your armpits for awhile. Then when we come back, we'll see how your super soft, cute feet and armpits feel then! If you want, you can take a nap. Ha, theres really nothing else you can do hahaha. Bye Ari." Katy says as Jen and her leave the room and lock it.

"Wait, wait" Ariana says to no avail.
"Katy's right. I cant do anything else." Ari stops and thinks for a minute. "Actually, maybe if i can wiggle enough i can get this ooze to fall out of my armpits. Same with my feet. If i can wiggle my toes maybe i can get the ooze to fall off my feet." Ari begins to try wiggling her upper body and her arms as much as possible. She stops, realizing that she cant wiggle nearly enough to get it out of her armpits. So she attempts to wiggle her feet and toes. "Eeemmmpppfff. Damn. She pulled my toes back just enough that i cant wiggle them well enough to get the ooze off my feet. Shit."

Ari relaxes and looks around. "I guess im gonna take a nap because i know for sure i cant get out of this." She leans her head back and closes her eyes and begins to dose off.

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