chapter 8

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Pan's POV:

It's been about 2 hours... well time stands still in Neverland but was getting dark and Amber still hadn't returned.

I checked that the boys were doing as they were told, then took off.

I started flying above the forest but couldn't see any sign of her. I tried using magic to see where she was.

She was deep in the forest. Like really deep. I decided it wasn't the best idea to just appear out of nowhere and scare her even more than she probably was.

I landed about 10 feet away from her current location and started walking over. Amber was curled up by a tree fast asleep. I could see tear stains streaming down her tanned complexion. I sighed. She must have cried herself to sleep.

My softer side wanted to carry her back and let her sleep... but I don't actually have a soft side.

"Wake up, love!"

Amber jumped at the sudden shouting. She looked around frantically until she realized it was just me and relaxed, but still kept a firm expression.

She rolled her eyes at me calling her "love".

"What time is it" she asked rubbing her eyes.

"Time stands still in Neverland. That's why you don't age."

She smiled at my words. I loved seeing her smile. She needed happiness once and a while.

"Time to go back. I need to introduce you to the boys and the rules."


"You'll find out when you get there"

She nodded in agreement. I held out my hand to her. She took it reluctantly and without warning, I jumped.

Amber's grip on my hand got a lot tighter and her nails digger into my skin a bit, but she was happy. She marveled at the sky, she always did. I remember watching her as a child. She would get nightmares about her parents. Her mother dying and her father abusing her. She would climb on to her roof and just gaze up at the stars. Sometimes she would be smiling and laughing. Other times she would be crying. And other time she would just stare at their beauty. She also loved the sky in general. No matter the weather. If the sky was blue and cloudless, she would love it. If the sky was gray and cloudy she would love it.

In Neverland the sky is almost always clear and a vibrant blue. Amber was just beaming. Her smile was contagious I couldn't help, but grin.

Amber's POV:

We arrived at camp and everyone's eyes were on us. Well... rather their eyes were on me. I looked around, not a single girl on this island. Great.

Then my eyes met Felix's. I quickly looked away feeling very uncomfortable.

Pan made his way to a stump that looked over the boys and gestured for me to follow. I stood right below him, looking down awkwardly.

"Boys! Welcome Amber to Neverland!" Pan announced.

The boys all cheered in response which made me better? I wasn't really sure what to think.

"Okay well introduce yourselves" Pan spoke impatiently.

They got in order by, I assumed, age.

There were seven of them in total not including Felix. Felix was causally standing by Pan because obviously didn't need to introduce himself.

"I'm Jake, 18" said the first. He stood tall, confident. He had dark brown hair, almost black and his eyes sparkled like a crystal blue stream. He towered over my 5'3". I guessed he was around 6 feet tall. He was lean and well built.

I gave him a shy grin. I don't really have great people skills.

"Mason, 17" said the next moving down the line. He had tan skin, Polynesian or Tongan. He had a harsh tone to him. He was a little taller than Jake. He had a stern expression and his muscles were exposed because of his sleeveless top.

"Tyler, 15." He was dark skinned with deep brown eyes. He was also tall. Very tall, actually. He was around 2 inches taller than Jake and Mason. He was slightly less buff, but still looked strong.

"I'm Collin and I'm 13" he spoke. He was much shorter than the others and very thin. He had a pale complexion and dirty blond hair.

The next two were identical twins. They look the same, spoke the same, and even dressed the same. "Micky" "Johnny" "10" they said together.

Then the last lost boy. He was obviously the youngest and smallest by far. "I-I'm L-Lucas. I'm s-six years old." he was shaking, nervous and maybe even... scared. What could he be so scared of?

I smiled at him trying to make him feel better and I was obviously failing.

"Okay!" Pan shouted snapping me back to reality, "Jake give Amber the tour and tell her the rules."

(A/N) I UPDATEDD!! okay this kinda a filler/orientation chapter so that you know about the characters and the location. the next chapter will kinda be more introduction and hopefully some events. lol okay sorry but hope you enjoy!❤️❤️

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