Chapter 32

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Arakim woke up when a knock sounded on the door, and beckoned her in when he realised who was there. The door opened to admit a middle-aged woman, her greying brown hair packed in a bun with her still pretty but lined face, smiling happily at him.

"Your highness,'' she greeted, curtsying deeply, 'good to see you.'' And walked across to draw the thick red blinds, letting in the late morning sunlight, causing Arakim to blink at the sudden brightness, shielding his eyes.

"Ihuomi,'' he answered his long time maid, nurse for as long as he could remember whenever he came to the castle. "Good to see you. How is Chiumi and her family? Has she added to the troop yet? I remember she had five already the last time.'

"They are doing well, Prince Arakim,'' laughing and pleased that the prince remembered her only daughter, 'and no. Still five boys.''

"That's good. And Maduek? Married or still playing the field?'

"He's now betrothed to a young girl from the village,'' talking about her son. And walked over to pick up the discarded clothes and weapons, not blinking at the sight. "And I can see you've done the same,'' pointing at the tawny haired woman in his arms, the only part of her seen under the covers. And was surprised and relieved at the huge grin that spread across his beautiful face. A face that was always serious even as a boy.

"Yes, she's going to be my princess,' he announced proudly, only to grimace in pain when the shape under the coverlets kicked him. The servant laughed at his pout and felt her heart lighten at that normal expression and hoped that the lady was strong enough to hold her own against the strong prince.

"Mena, meet my long time nurse and second mother, Ihuomi. Ihuomi, this is Lady Mena, my princess,'' and added. "And don't kick me again, feline. I'm only saying the truth,'' when the female was about to do just that.

Mena looked up at the pretty elderly female in front of her wearing a servant's frock like she saw last night before being dragged up here for the first blissful sleep she had in a long time after being ravaged thoroughly by the grinning oaf lying beside her. She noted the pleasure the female felt when Arakim called her his second mother and the love she obviously had for him.

"Pleasure to meet you, Princess Mena,'' Ihuomi said, curtsying deeply bringing a scowl to that beautiful face with her strangely coloured eyes. Only the prince would go for the extraordinary in a consort.

"The pleasure is mine, Mother Ihuomi,'' greeted Mena, bowing her head, belatedly remembering to clutch the coverlets over her bosom, 'but I am no princess.'' She said, elbowing the laughing Arakim.

"I'm sorry, Princess,'' said Ihuomi, not sorry at all, smiling tenderly at her. Pleased at her own title, 'but if my prince says you're his princess,'' she told her, grinning widely at her, 'then that's who you are. And no more argument.'' Turning serious. Mena could now see the authority the female wielded when she chose and found herself nodding.

"Aye, Mother Ihuomi.''

"Good. Time for you all to get up and be about your business. The day is almost gone. The villagers are getting ready to go back to their homes now the soldiers had been taken care of. I will send some servants with appropriate clothing for you, Princess, no more of these breeches,'' she told her, wrinkling her face at the site of her leggings.

Arakim stifled his laughter at the bemused expression on Mena's face. "You are a princess of a vast kingdom and must dress accordingly. Now, get up children,' she ordered when they kept staring at her.

'Ihuomi, I'm taking Mena to the mountains and if you could please ask the kitchen staff to pack a meal for us. We'll be leaving after morning meal, thank you.'' And added, 'please tell my aunt and the others where we'll be going.'

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