Chapter 4

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When the sentries trudged back into the camp in the morning, Arakim was already crouching by the fire which had gone out during the night. He stood up and bellowed, 'Guards! Time to go.'' And they all jumped at that command, reflexively packing up to go.

His cousin stumbled out of his tent with the others, instinctively obeying the command too. He walked over to Arakim after giving an order to the nearest soldier for water to be brought to him from the nearby brook.

"Do we have time for a wash first? Or even have a meal?'' he asked, trying to hide his resentment at his cousin taking over his command but wondered why he bothered, when Arakim barely glanced at him.

"Cousin, do what you must. I leave here in a bit.'' Arakim answered absent-mindedly, looking round him. "But better to eat on the way than to keep the king waiting longer than he's already done, hmm.'' he added.

Alam paused in his reply when he heard what his cousin said. He had forgotten how short-tempered the king could get and his retribution to such slights. He marched back to his tent to get ready.

Arakim dismissed him from his mind as soon as he left. He tended to do that a lot to things and people. He kept thinking what could have made his grandfather send for him and how he knew where to find him. And wondered the fastest path to take to get rid of these people trampling around his forest and how to keep them out. The animals were getting restless with these many traipsing all over the place and he could sympathize with them. He wondered how long it would take to sort his grandfather out and what he would do after. He wondered if it might not be a good idea to go in search of Morag.

When the last of the shadows left the clearing, Arakim strode out off into the forest, not looking to see who followed him or not. Not his concern. But from the sounds behind him, he thought most of them did. After walking for several minutes, he heard his cousin calling him from behind and stopped, waiting for him to catch up.

"What is the problem?'' Turning slightly to watch Alam come up, out of breath. "Am I walking too fast for you, cousin?'' he mocked, sneering at him. "You need me to slow down for those short legs to keep up?''

"Don't call me short. I am not short.'' retorted his cousin.

"Of course, you are not. That's not the point'' Arakim snapped back. "Then what's your reason for this delay? You are wasting my time.''

When Alam took a deep breath, mouth tightening like he was clenching his teeth. Probably for patience, thought Arakim in sudden amusement. Always fun and easy to goad Alam. No one did it better than Ashago. Usually I didn't involve myself in their bickering but now understood why Ashago enjoyed it so much. Alam was so uptight and needed to relax a bit more.

"Mm-hmm. Still waiting for an answer. Anytime today will be appreciated.'' Arakim said, head cocked to one side. Alam seemed loss for words. "Have you swallowed your tongue?'' Arakim asked with false sympathy. Losing interest in baiting his cousin, he turned and left.

Alam blurted out quickly. "We left the horses tethered at the edge of the forest where the three streams meet.''

"I know.'' said Arakim, not stopping. "Where do you think I'm going?'

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