Chapter 4

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Author's Note:

Okay well in this chapter there will be a little Daryl POV . I apoligse ahead if it sucks but I'm trying. :)

Ariella's POV:

" Be careful." " And back before dark!"

Geesh, did they think they were my parents or something? They definitely thought they could tell me what to do and I would listen. Well I'll prove them wrong. As I walked through the woods,looking for a tree to go up in I thought of what I could do to show them. I came up next to a tree that had plenty of branches to use to climb up. Ahh it's not the best, but it'll do.

I grabbed onto a branch and lifted up my leg to step on. This continued until I got about 20 ft up. I could see the lake ,but not the camp. I watched Lily doing laundry along with Jackie, Andrea, Amy, and Carol. Maybe I should be doing laundry too. Instead I'm just climbing up trees getting nothing done. I felt pretty bad until I saw Ed, doing absolutely nothing but watching Carol's every move. And I also saw Shane and Carl, again doing absolutely nothing. So I didn't feel that bad anymore considering the men weren't doing shit.

So I leaned my head back against the rough bark on the tree and decided to do some 'good ole' thinkin' ,as my dad called it. I looked up at the sun and thought ,'Well I could either get hurt which woul also be considered not being careful. Or I could .... come back after dark! That was brilliant! I know, I know ,it doesn't sound that badass but they would definitely freak out. So I closed my eyes and started drifting off.

Lily's POV:

As the women were talking about what they missed from before the apocalypse I was thinking about James. Cheesy, i know. But I was worried, not only about his safety. But also Arie's sanity, I am almost positive if James died on this 'little trip' she would go insane. Literally.Maybe even mental.

The women started laughing ,so I just started laughing with them. Having absolutely no idea what they were laughing about.

" What's so funny?"

Shit. Just what chores needed, an arrogant piece of shit that Carol called her husband.

"Just swapping war storie-"

"None of your damn business ,so why don't you go sit back on your little truck over there?" , I said with a smirk on my face.

All of the women looked proud of me except Carol,she looked scared. Oh shit. Did I just get her beating?

Nobody said anything so I figured it was okay, even though Ed looked like he could murder me right then and there. We all just went back to laundry ,while Ed kept inching closer towards us. Mainly towards Carol, I thought.

" There a problem, Ed?"

"Nothin' that concerns you."

Andrea looked offended. I nervously looked around, trying to read the expressions on everyone's face. They were all blank.

" And you better focus on your work." .....Oh no he didn't, he directed that towards Carol. If Ariella were here she'd be beating the shit out of him.

" Ain't no comedy club."

I noticed Lori walking to Shane and Carl. I didn't pay that much attention because Ed was still staring at us intently.

Daryl's POV:

My brother. My damn brother. That's all I could think about since Rick told me. Speaking of Rick,why would he let this teenager come with us? He looked unable of even hurting a fly. It should've been just me coming, none of these dumbasses that got him there in the first place. I swear to god if he's not on that roof, I'll shoot an arrow into everyones heart. We got to the fence and everyone went through, except that teenager. Dumbass. What is he doin'?

"Well ye' comin'?"

" Oh,yea."

Damn. How stupid can these people get? We should've brought someone capable of stuff. Like that one chick that fell from the tree and stabbed herself with an arrow. Well, that was a dumbass move, but she took it on. She's a tough son of a bitch.

Breaking the Rules *a Daryl Dixon love story* (Won't be continued)Where stories live. Discover now