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Gianna's pov

"What do you want for your birthday?"

"Nothing babe!" I said to Jack. He has been pestering me all week and tomorrow, July 1st, is my birthday.

"We are definitely doing something! You can't stop me." He said sticking his tongue out at me like a child.

"Fine. Whatever." I said huffing.

I climb into bed next to jack. I cuddled into his chest. He kissed my head. "Goodnight princess." He whispered.

"Goodnight." I whispered, half asleep.


"Hmph." I groaned into my pillow. Ang was jumping on my bed.

"How did you even get in here at.." I checked my phone. "10 in the morning."

"Jack. Duh."

"Go get ready I'm taking you to the diner to get food for your birthday."

I got dressed into high waisted Jean shorts and a teal crop top that said "whatever" in white letters. I straightened my hair and put on some light makeup. I met Ang downstairs, who was wearing a gray baseball t that said "the walking dead" and some Jean shorts and sneakers. She definitely had her own style. But so did I. (Authors note- who else sang Taylor swift?)

Jacks pov

I told Ang to get Gianna out of the house so I can set up the house. I already purchased a cake and decorations. Shawn had the MAGCON and o2l boys come over along with some you tubers. I prepared the whole house and then I wrote a rap for Gianna. It was basically happy birthday, but with my own twist. I just hope she likes it.

Gianna's pov

I'm definitely socially awkward, but with these people I felt so comfortable. Once I was in the house, it felt like I finally belonged somewhere. We took the party outside where everyone was swimming and having fun. Then jack stood up.

He gripped the microphone until his knuckles turned white, which I noticed as a sign of nervousness.

Happy birthday came on but had dub step in the back.

"Happy birthday happy birthday
It's g-i-a-n-n-a's
B-i-r-t-h day!
And I know that rap is a little lame,
But I just wanted you to know that
I love you the same."

I couldn't stop laughing. He was so goofy.
"I love it jack! Thank you." I hugged him and everyone laughed and clapped.
Then Connor pushed me in the pool.
I chased around Connor screaming "FREE HUGS." Well he ran around screaming "FUCK NO!" JC then came and pushed Connor in the pool. We high-fived. This birthday was so special.

"So you still haven't opened one present." Jack said later that night while we lay on the couch watching F•R•I•E•N•D•S.

"Yes I have." I said.

"Nope!" He said popping the p. He ran upstairs. I yelled up to him, "AWH I WAS COMFORTABLE  ON YOUR CHEST!" 

He came downstairs with a small box. He handed me the box and their sat a ring.
Jack quickly recovered "u-um it's a promise ring don't worry I'm not jumping to anything to soon."
My smile grew as I excitedly put it on.
"I love you Jack Edward Johnson."

"And I love you Gianna Marie Perani."

"Forever and always." He said.

your crying shoulderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora