Miles Away (A Dolan Twins Fanfic)

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Chapter 7
Jazmine's pov

I went in the living room and started watching Netflix. After a while I got really hungry, so I ordered a pizza, Hawaiian is my favorite.
I still can't believe what happened with me and Gray earlier today, I mean it was perfect. And I don't miss that jerk Justin at all. But pretty soon, I'll have to go back to Georgia. I don't know if I should get involved with Gray, because when I leave, I don't want to hurt him. I need to talk to Ethan. I picked up my phone and dialed his number.

"Hey, loser, come over. We need to talk." I said with a giggle.
"Woah, someone's sassy today! Could it be because you got kissed??"
"Just shut up and get over here. I have pizza!" I said
"In that case, I'm on my way." He laughed and hung up the phone.

A few seconds later, there was a knock at my door.

"Come in!" I yelled
"Hey Jazmine, what's up?"
" we need to talk." I said
"About what?" He asked

I patted the seat next to me and he plopped down beside me.

"So I guess you heard about me and Gray...," I said trailing off
"Yeah, he won't shut up about it." He said
"Well, I don't know if I should get involved with him because pretty soon I'll have to leave, and the last thing I want is to hurt him."
"Wow, I didn't think of that. I don't know what to say."
"No, I know. I didn't expect you to say anything. I just needed a friend."
"Well I'm always here if you need anything." He said with a smile
I smiled back
"So where's the pizza?" asked Ethan
" haha, it's in the kitchen. Dig in" I said with a giggle
"Cool" he said
"I'll be right back, I'm gonna run upstairs and get my phone." I said

I went upstairs to grab my phone, when I did I got a text, it was from Gray. I immediately got butterflies.

Gray: "hey beautiful :)"
Me: "lol hey :)"

I sent the text and went downstairs. Ethan was on the couch with pizza.
"So what are we watching?" He asked
"Tosh.0" I said

We ate pizza and watched tv until mom came home.
"Jazmine! In home!"
"Hey mom! We're in the living room!" I said
She walked in the living room and looked surprised.
"Oh! Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt." She said
"Mom, it's fine, we're just friends." I said
"Oh, well ok." She said as she walked up to her office.

After we finished our episode, Eth had to leave.
"Well, I'll see you later. I have to get home before my mom starts to worry." He said.
"Ok, I'll see ya later" I said

       When he left, I went up to my mom's office and knocked on the door

"Come in." She said
I walked in and closed the door
"Hey honey, what's up?" She asked
I let out a long sigh and sat down in one of the chairs in front of her desk.
"Me and Grayson kissed today..." I said
"Ahh, well I'm not surprised, Grayson is a very nice boy." She said with a smile
"I know, I just don't know if I should date him...."
"Why not?" She asked .
"Well, I'll be leaving in a week or two and I don't want to hurt him" I said
My mom was silent for minute.
"Well, you could always stay for the whole summer." She said quietly.

     What?! Stay for the whole summer? I never thought of that. But, I don't see a problem with it, and I really like it here. But I would have to talk to dad about it.

"Oh, I never thought about it, but I would have to talk to dad."
"Oh, of course honey. I understand. And you are always welcome here." She said with a smile.
"Well, I guess I'll go call dad." I said
"Ok sweetie, if I don't see you later, I'll call tomorrow when I get to work."
I got up and ran to my room. I pulled out my phone and called dad.

Dad: "hello?"
Me: "hey dad! It's Jazmine."
Dad: "hey honey! How are you?"
Me: I'm great! I really like it here, its great and I've already made some friends. Actually that's the reason I called you..."
Dad: "great! Well what did you need?"
Me".....I wanted to know if I could stay for the whole summer..."
Dad: "well as long as you're having fun and making friends, I don't see why not."
Me: "really?"
Dad: "yes really! This is your summer. I want you to have a good time."
Me: "thanks a lot dad. Well I'm pretty tired so I'll call you tomorrow."
Dad: " ok sweetie, I love you. Bye."
Me:  " love you, bye."

     Wow, I can't believe it. I'm actually going to stay for the summer! This is amazing. Now I can finally spend some time with Gray.
         I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. When I was done, I got into bed and started to drift off. I was almost asleep when my phone vibrated. It was a text from Gray.

Gray: "do you want to go on a date tomorrow?"
Me: "I'd love to :)"
Gray: "cool:) what time?"
Me: " ummm, how's 1:30 ish?"
Gray"that's great:) I'll see you tomorrow:) goodnight"
Me: "goodnight:)

      I put my phone on the charger and tried to go to sleep. It took me forever to fall asleep because I was so excited for tomorrow, but I finally did.

Don't forget to fave and comment! I'll try to post at least a chapter a day. Love you guys!

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