Miles Away (A Dolan Twin Fanfic)

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Chapter 21
Jazmine's pov

"Thank you. Starting Monday you are an official student of Jameson High." Said the woman at the desk as she looked over the filled out paperwork.

"Thank you." My mom said as we left.
"Are you girls hungry?" My mom asked as Cam and I got in the car
"Yassssss" I said as me and Cam laughed.
We pulled up outside of McDonald's and walked in. As we were, I saw Ashley. Damn! Why is she everywhere? She saw me and started walking up.
"Hey Jazz. What a pleasant surprise." She said with a smile.
"I really don't like you." I said as I turned and walked away. We sat at a booth and ordered our food.
"I have to use the restroom." My mom said as she stood up and started walking. Me and Cam just talked about random stuff. Mainly school. A few minutes later some guy came and sat beside me. I gave him a weird look.
"Umm, can I help you?" I asked
"Yeah" he said as he crashed his lips into mine
"What the hell are you doing?!" I said as I pushed him off of me and slapped him hard in the face. I held his face, stood up and walked away. I saw Ashley laughing  and recording the whole thing. I stood up and walked over to her with my hands fisted.
"You fucking bitch! What hell  was that about?" I almost screamed. We had everyone's attention.
"Me? Oh nothing. I just have to edit this video and make sure Gray sees it." She said.
I'm not a violent person, but she had crossed the line. I grabbed her hair and pulled it hard. When I did a few of her extensions came out.
"Ow!" She screamed as She held her head. I looked over at Cam.
"Come on Cam, let's go." I said. Her eyes were wide and she had a big grin on her face.
"Where are we going?" My mom asked as she came out of the bathroom.
"Home." I stated as I started walking out the door. I turned around and looked at Ashley and she was still holding her head. I still had her extensions clenched in my fist. I threw them at the floor.
"Here's you fake hair back." I said and walked out. When we all got in the car. Cam was laughing, and it made me laugh.
"Do you want to tell me what that was about?" My mom asked
"Later." I said as we drove off.
In the car, I checked my phone and I was tagged in two videos. One was from Ashley and one was from Cam. Ashley posted the video of that guy kissing me and said:
"Looks like Gray wasn't good enough."
She is such a bitch. I checked Cam's video. It was the video of me pulling out Ashley's extensions and everything.
She said: "looks like this little bitch got what was coming to her."
I laughed as I looked over at Cam.

When he got home, me and Cam walked over to to my house. Gray was sitting on the front porch with his head in his hands. Shit. He must have seen the video. Cam and I walked up to him.
"Gray?" I said
He looked at me with tears in his eyes
"Why would you to this?" I asked, barley above a whisper. I started to cry.
"No! It's not true! I swear! Ashley sent him over there and he just kissed me!."
I stumbled out.
"It's true Gray, Jazz would never do anything to hurt you. This is what happened after that bitch Ashley set her up." Said cam as she pulled out her phone and showed him the video. After he watched it, he chuckled and then stood up and gave me a huge hug.
"I thought I'd lost you." He whispered
"Never." I said.
When we were done hugging, he took my hand and all of us walked inside. Woah, the house was completely done and all the boxes were gone.
"How did you guys do all this?" I asked
"We had the movers help us out. And I got all the stuff from your room at your moms." Said Gray
I smiled.
"Where's my dad?" I asked
"He went out to get some pizza for everyone." He said
"Let's all go in the living room and watch tv till he gets back." I suggested
"Ok" said Cam.
We walked into the living room and turned on the tv. A few minutes later, Eth came and sat down beside me.
"Where were you?" I asked
"I went to the bathroom. Why? Are you gonna pull out my extensions too?" He asked and I laughed. Ahh, he saw the video.
"Maybe." I said as we watched tv

Grayson's pov

While we were all chilling, I got a text.

Ashley: "your crazy girlfriend assaulted me today."
Me: "you deserved it, you're just an attention loving bitch."
Ashley: "ouch. That's not very nice to say to the girl you love."
Me: "I didn't say it to the girl I love, I said it to you."
Ashley: "you know you miss me. Admit it."
Me: "I honestly don't miss you at all. And if you ever text, call, or talk to me again, I'll get Jazmine to pull out ALL of your extensions. Now get of my phone whore."

I blocked Ashley's number on my phone and put it back in my pocket. I took Jazmine's hand and she snuggled against me while we watched Fantastic Four.

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