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Almost a week after Chris had found out Annabelle's secret he had been spending more time with her and neither of them minded it. Austin had been getting suspicious, but there was really nothing to go on about but friendship. He knew Chris would never try anything with his sister, or so that's what he hopes. There just couldn't be anything between them, he wouldn't allow it no matter how much it would hurt them. Annabelle laughed as Austin slipped once more on the field they all knew so much.

'Probably thinking again,' she thought to herself.

A couple of the school's soccer team members had come to the local park to practice before the big game happening just two weeks from that day. Everyone was excited, including Annabelle despite her dislike for sports. Leo hadn't been speaking to her as he would before and she was not feeling the strong friendship they worked so hard to build up. Though one upside to this was spending more time with Chris, a childhood friend she had not really spoken to much.

Chris wanted to take a break from practcing and decided to take a seat next to a very pretty girl, Destiny Fowler. Such a pretty girl she was and he was hoping she thought he was also good looking. She turned to him and smiled but did nothing more. He rolled his eyes at her actions and turned his head to his right. The was Annabelle Carter, childhood best friend, and a much more beautiful girl than Destiny, but of course not the most beautiful girl out there. He stood from the bench he had sat at with Destiny and walked to her where she sat alone on a bench with only her bag and Austin's at her feet. When he took his seat she looked at him confused and he only smiled.

"Sorry, I just wanted to sit here," he told her.

She nodded. "Yeah, of course."

They sat in silence for a few seconds before Chris started a conversation with the girl. " You and Leo still talking?"

"Sometimes, but he's just with Sonia a lot and I don't want to intervene," she replied smiling sadly. She stared at Chris' hazel eyes and looked back down, blushing.

He thought about it and said excitedly, "hey, do you want to go grab a smoothie? They're pretty darn good."

"Where?" she retorted smiling at his request.

"Down the street next to the movie theater. My treat."

She nodded and stood up but then remembered she had come here with Austin. She went to tell him but was stopped by Chris who told her he'd handle it. He did so and Austin looked back at his sister, deciding whether or not to let her go. In the end he agreed and Chris jogged back to Annabelle who was standing almost confused as to why Austin looked a little angry, but didn't question it. Chris felt almost embarrassed for still being in his soccer uniform, so when they arrived at his car he told her he'll be changing and to just turn around. He had boxers underneath and spare clothes, besides, he's a guy.

Annabelle blushed when she had turned around after he told her he was done, and was shirtless. She definitely didn't remember him being that good looking before and she couldn't help but blush at that. He noticed the slight tint to her cheeks and smiled smugly at her.

"Alright, let's go, miss," he said walking to her door. He opened it for her and offered courtesy.

She went inside and Chris followed suitly after, driving away almost instantly. Upon arriving at the smoothie shop they both headed out of the car and headed inside, talking and laughing non stop with one another.

"So what would you like?" he asked Annabelle as they arrived at the order counter.

"Hm, maybe a Pineapple Pomegranate Blast, please?" She told the cashier.

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