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"I just want to go home already. I'm so tired and this weather went from hot to cold in less than a week," Mike angrily told his friends.

Ever since Annabelle and Chris had been spending more time together, their friends blended and they became a whole large group. It mainly consisted of Annabelle, Arthur, Austin, Chris, Leo-who convinced Sonia of allowing him to spend time with Annabelle-Mikey, Carlos, Dante, Jason, Angel, Daniela and sometimes Sonia.

She knew Sonia hated her and hardly spoke to her, but didn't say anything in front of her for Leo's sake and their friendship. Chris felt jealous of Leo sometimes, but Annabelle reassured him they were just friends, which Chris said the same of Daniela. She was Chris' last girlfriend and Annabelle often wondered if she'd try to take Chris from her.

When Daniela and Chris spoke, Chris rubbed Annabelle's hand with the back of his thumb to reassure her nothing was wrong. It calmed Annabelle down and she would usually resume to speaking with one of the boys. This had been going on for at least a week and she couldn't be happier. Many girls asked her of the relationship and she just told them it was confident, which angered them.

"Calm down Mikey, today's the last day and then Winter Break starts. Today's the best day really," Chris told a frustrated Mikey.

Mikey rolled his eyes and shook his head. "It's only the best day for you and Annabelle, huh? You two are going on a date after the game while we die of boredom in our homes."

Austin looked up at Annabelle and she felt as if he'd kill her right then and there. He turned his gaze to Chris and glared at him. The whole table silenced and Annabelle felt as if the whole lunchroom had quieted down just because one of the loudest tables was now the most silent.

"Who said my sister was going on a date?" Austin asked angrily.

Chris and Annabelle were keeping from Austin their liking for each other and so were the others, but Mikey had to say something. Arthur had agreed to not tell Austin yet, but knew something bad would happen when he found out and his senses hadn't lied. He looked furious, his once teal colored eyes were now a deep brown and his face was red with anger.

Chris cleared his throat before he spoke, "I asked your sister on a date."

The whole lunchroom was nervous as to what would happen next but also excited. Two best friends would end up fighting and they wondered if this would be like the many books they had read. Annabelle hoped it wouldn't be like those books, it was reality and it wouldn't be fictional.

Austin shook his head and stared dead at his 'best friend' and said, "no, my sister is going nowhere with you. Annabelle, you will not go with Chris anywhere."

Annabelle, who had her head down, could only feel the gaze of her brother on her head. When she didn't say anything, Austin told her again and she finally looked up. She was embarrassed that this was happening the whole time everyone was looking and knew there were still about thirty minutes until the bell rang. Chris tightened his grasp on her hand, but loosened up his grip when he noticed her pained look. Would she deny him and agree with her brother?

"No. I will be going on a date with Chris because I am old enough to know who I will be dating or not," Annabelle replied shocking many of the students there.

Austin glared at them and then glared at his sister. He laughed dryly and replied with, "fine, but when he breaks your heart, I won't be there for you anymore. Forget about me."

He stood from the table and left the silent lunchroom. The schools guards, who could not do anything as it was a sibling matter, did not know what to do and instead just stood there, looking at one another for help. Annabelle felt betrayed by her brother and looked at Arthur who didn't meet her gaze. He had warned her and she had not listened.

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