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*a song recommended for this chapter would be; 45 by Shinedown, it set the mood.*

Annabelle wanted nothing more than to be awakened from the dream she thought had happened, but reality struck her harder than anything. She had cheated on Chris, although she didn't kiss back, no movements were made to stop the impending kiss. The only thing she could do was breathe heavily and cry as her mind came up with many explanations for her strangeness whenever someone would come to ask. A pain arose in her chest and she knew it would be better to calm down before something worse happened.

Despite the fact that Annabelle was painfully trying to come up with a way to let Chris know, in the end, she decided to not tell anyone as Olen was confused, not to mention they had a strong relationship. She knew, though, the reason why Chris nor anyone would know of the situation would be because Matthew popped into her mind, Margaret did as well. Guilt-struck and confused, Annabelle knew the best way to keep her relationship and teacher without jail time would be to never say a word. Keeping secrets is what Annabelle could do the most of, she never liked when anyone told her secrets so why bother doing the same to others?

Why they had chosen that specific moment to act on instinct was beyond her brain function, maybe that's why people were always getting themselves into trouble. She truly used to detest those kind of people, the ones who never had a valid explanation, but now she was one of those people and couldn't help but feel even worse. Her stomach did a lurch and she took a deep breath hoping not to make a mess in her room. She had a weak stomach and whenever she thought too much about her problems a sudden feeling to purge.

Austin comes into her room the next day and jumps into bed next to her only to be pushed off by his angry sister. If there was anything she hated more than having her personal items taken without her permission it had to be being woken up early on the weekends. She glares at him while he rubs his elbow which hit her night table on the way down.

"Jerk! It's Sunday, why are you waking me up so early?" She can't go back to sleep after being awoken, another annoyance. "Someone better be dying."

"So you'd rather have someone be dying now just so you can get up from your bed? Look, Moses said we're going to go eat breakfast as a family and mom asked if you could dress Damien for her," he replied standing up and sitting on her short dresser.

She groaned and turned her head to look at him. "Do I have to? You can do it, find him something nice since you're a guy too, or tell Arthur, I still have to get dressed."

"Annabelle, mom told you, just dress him and then yourself, simple. I don't have all day, I have to go in earlier today and a breakfast sounds like a gift at the moment."

"Right, I forgot you work today, but I'm so sleepy, I didn't even sleep right this weekend," she replied falling back on her pillows.

"Why? Did Mr. Olen's son keep you up?"

Annabelle winced at the mention of her teacher it shook her head to play it off. "No, I'll change him then, just give me five more minutes."

Austin left the room without question and walked towards Arthur's room where he knocked before entering. Arthur sat on his bed with nothing but briefs on and glanced up slightly from his phone to look at who came in his room.


"Who are you texting?"

He makes a face at Austin and says, "uh, is it important for you to know who I'm texting or something?"

"Mhm, it is if the person might be a pedophile."

"Shut up, will you? How's Melissa, Austin?"

"So we're playing that game now. Well, for your information, she's well and has changed drastically from the last time you spoke or saw her, give her a chance, will you?" Austin asks hopefully.

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