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"Intuition just doesn't happen when you are placed in a life or death situation, no, it happens every moment of the day and it just takes observance. You have to be aware of what you're going to do if you follow your intuition, or not. Know the consequences," Mr. Hendricks explained to his class. "This test will be a very important one, we'll be blending chemicals and adding different additives."

Annabelle listened carefully, she had pay attention of she didn't want to fail a very important semester test. She had never failed one and she wasn't too keen on doing so. There had been too much on her mind lately and she had known why. It had to do with what happened with Olen, she couldn't drop it and it affected her when she would walk into his class. She had thought about not going and ditching but she had no idea how to do it, and Arthur would want to know why she'd done that. She wouldn't tell him, couldn't, he would bring Olen down in seconds.

Her mind had ran wild with so many thoughts that day and she had been questioned by her mother about it, something she hardly ever did. Annabelle knew if someone found out about this, her teacher would be incarcerated for pedophilia, but not before a huge investigation which would take toll on everyone. He had a family and his son wouldn't be too happy growing up and knowing his father had been incarcerated for something so meaningless. Nothing had happened, what if he hadn't been attempting to join their lips and had been reaching for something? Annabelle tried to reason with herself but couldn't come up with an answer.


Annabelle looked up to the source of the voice and stared at bright blue eyes. "Could you give us the definition for a fusion?"

Annabelle was close to responding when there was a knock on the class door. Hendricks hated when he'd be interrupted during a lesson and hesitated to open he door but did so nonetheless. It was Olen.

"Yes?" he asked quite surprised.

Olen was from another building department and didn't belong in the science block. He had to have come from across school ground where the mathematics and technology buildings were. It was quite a walk to be honest.

"Sorry to bother you Mr. Hendricks, but may I speak with Annabelle Carter? I'll wait here," Olen said, not daring to peek inside.

Hendricks nodded, closed the door, and turned to Annabelle who sat quietly at her desk when most of the students were chatting away freely. Annabelle, sensing someone's gaze on her turned only to find her chemistry teacher nodding her over to his spot. She stood and walked over to him.

"Mr. Olen wishes to speak with you."

Annabelle's heart froze. Her heart felt cold and she felt as if she'd been caught for doing something no one had to know about. She didn't want to go but couldn't tell her teacher that as he'd become suspicious as to why. She nodded and started heading towards the door when she asked him if she'd need her bag. He frowned, his forehead creases more defined which added years to his true age, and told her he'd ask him. Annabelle stood awkwardly away from the door and when hendricks nodded at her she returned to her desk for her backpack. She didn't bother placing her binder back in the bag and just walked off with it in her arms.

"Thanks," she told her teacher as he was returning to his desk.

She didn't bother waiting for a response and walked out the classroom door. Once outside in the hallway, she spotted Olen in the faraway distance speaking into his phone. She approached him, footsteps steady, and when he finally turned he said a goodbye to the person on the other side.

"You wanted to speak with me?" Annabelle asked only meeting his gaze slightly.

"Um, yeah. Do you mind if we go to my classroom? I wouldn't want anyone to over hear."

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