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"I-I-I'm, H-H-," I stammered.
"Oh my, spit it out!" Logan yelled.
"I'm Hazel Lynx, and well, I, uh, love you so much, and-," I began, breathless.
"Derek, get her out of my sight. She's embarrassing me."
What? WHAT? Embarrassing him? How? Sadness filled my heart, knowing that my one true idol hates me.
Derek shoved me out of the door, grumbled something I couldn't understand, then slammed the door.
Once again, tears flooded my face. I cried the whole walk back. I walked into the room, seeing Eve getting ready. The minute she saw me crying, she rushed to my side.
"What happened? Are you hurt?"
"No," I sniffled. "My heart is just torn in half, that's all."
Eve hugged me, not asking anymore questions.
I cried and cried. Ten minutes before nine, Eve quietly reminded me that we were going to be late for class. I nodded, and washed my face in the bathroom. I reapplied my makeup, and finally was ready.
We walked to class, Eve still not saying anything. We don't have first mod together, so before I walked inside, Eve whispered, "Just tell me when you're ready."
I nodded and walked inside.
I barely listened during the class. The disgusted face of Logan appeared in my head over and over.
Finally, all of my classes were over. I never told Eve what was wrong; I was too sad to even talk.
Mir, Eve, and I met up to walk to the meeting that Logan will be at.
"What's up with you, Hazel?" Mir asked. "I thought you'd be way more excited. We're meeting Logan!"
I just kept quiet, walking slowly. When we finally got to the gym, we sat in the middle row of the bleachers.
"Hello students! Today is a very big day!" Mrs. Briggs began. "Auditions for My Robot Girlfriend will go from 4:30-8:30 in the auditorium. But first, Logan Astin would like to introduce himself!"
A round of applause erupted. Then, Logan himself walked out, smiling his adorable smile. He waved to everyone, and winked a few hundred times. The custodians set up two chairs, one for Mrs. Briggs and one for Logan.
"Mr. Astin, please take a seat!" Mrs. Briggs exclaimed.
"Call me Logan," he replied, as he sat down.
"So, Logan, are you excited for filming your new movie?"
"Ah, yes! I have a feeling that the lucky girl and boy are sitting in this room. Alas, I haven't found them at the other colleges."
"Well, we sure hope you find what you're looking for!"
Logan laughed. I blushed. He was so dang cute, I couldn't stand it. Maybe he just got the wrong impression. I'll wow him at auditions, and maybe even get the role!
Finally, Mrs. Briggs and Logan finished talking about the movie, she dismissed us to go to the auditions.
In a much better mood, I dragged Mir and Eve to the auditorium. When we arrived, about twenty other people were already there. I grabbed the last three seats in the front row.

"This is the Hazel I love," Mir whispered as we sat down.

I smiled in return, then looked at my watch. 4:27. Three more minutes. Three more minutes until I see what Logan really thinks of me.

I restrained myself from looking at my watch again; knowing that the time will come.

After three very long minutes, a person walked from behind the curtain on stage.

"Hello? Is thing on?" she asked, tapping the microphone in her hand. When she was satisfied, she continued. "It's nice to meet you, students. I'm Ms. Turner, and I'm the acting director for the musicals we put on here. Logan personally asked me to help him with the auditions, along with Mrs. Briggs and Mr. Adams. First, you will read a couple of lines from the movie. Last you will completely act out a different scene, so we know your acting skills. The final cast will be posted this Friday, by the front office. Callbacks will be tomorrow, here, at 5:30. So, without further ado, let the auditions begin! We will start with the A's."

First up was Sarah Abe, then Josh Anderson, and so on. The judge's table was set up five feet away from me. I could actually smell Logan's cologne, even before he sat down. When Logan, Mrs. Briggs, Ms. Turner, and the mysterious Mr. Adams were situated, Sarah started her audition. She was very good at saying the lines, but not as good at acting it out. She was way too dramatic, flailing her arms all around. I peered out of the corner of my eye, and saw Logan's expression: disgusted. When Sarah finished, people were smiling and giving thumbs up, but I knew Sarah thought she did terrible.

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