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Mir and I gasped at the same time.
"Hazel! " Mir whispered.
I was stunned. I just stole a boy from a girl I didn't even know. Well, technically I'm not even dating him; I have a boyfriend back at home. Or, had a boyfriend. He didn't talk to me or anything when I left for college. But that doesn't mean I should go around dating other guys.
"What?" Eve asked. "What happened? Hazel, do you know Carter?"
"Uh yeah," I replied nervously. "We sat next to each other during the orientation, and we exchanged phone numbers."
"That's the boy you were sitting next to? Wow, he's pretty good looki-"
"Eve!" Mir yelled. "Don't you remember what the girl said? She thinks Hazel and Carter are dating!"
"But we're not! I already have a boyfriend," I said.
Now Eve and Mir looked shocked.
"What?" I asked, feeling self-conscious.
"You do? Why didn't you tell us?" Mir asked, sounding annoyed.
"First off, I met you both only three hours ago. Don't expect my whole personal story. But, yes, I do have a boyfriend. His name is Tyler, and we've been dating for about six months now. But....."
"But what?" Eve asked.
"I don't think I like him as much as I used to. He didn't talk to me, text, or call when I left for college. Heck, he probably doesn't even know I'm gone. I feel like we are more strangers than boyfriend and girlfriend. We never kiss, nor hold hands. I don't know what we do, except talk about school. He's so annoying, and only cares about having a girlfriend, so he can be more popular."
Eve looked sad, and Mir looked angry.
"I know what you should do," Mir said. "Dump his sorry butt and date someone who would actually care about you."
Eve nodded. "I say Skype him tonight and tell him that's it's over. Then hang up and get on with the rest of your life."
I laughed. "You guys are so right. I can't believe I dated him in the first place. But seriously, what are we gonna do about the whole Carter situation?"
"I know," Eve said, standing up. "Follow me."
She led Mir and I out of the café and down the hall.
"Where are we going?" Mir asked.
"To the bathroom," Eve replied. "We're gonna explain to this girl that everything will be alright."
When we reached the bathroom, we found a girl washing her face in the sink. When she looked up to dry her face, she gasped.
"Eve!" She exclaimed, running over to hug her.
"Hey Lola," Eve replied, hugging her back. "How's it going?"
"Better," Lola replied. "I'm calming myself down. Who are they?"
"These are my friends, Hazel and Miranda."
"Call me Mir," Mir said smiling, holding out her hand.
"Hello," I added. Lola shook both of our hands.
"Lola, Hazel has something she wants to tell you."
"Yes?" Lola asked. I took a deep breath.
"Well, the thing is, I'm the girl you thought Carter was dating. But, you see, we ar-"
Before I could finish, Lola slapped me across the face.
I cried out in pain, holding my cool hand to my hot cheek.
"HAZEL!" Mir cried out, coming to my aid. Hot tears began pouring on my face. I began to feel dizzy, Lola slapped me so hard.
Fortunately, I regained my balance. I could hear Mir asking over and over, "Are you okay?" And Eve yelling at Lola, "Why the heck did you do that? You didn't even let her finish!"
Before Lola could slap me again, Mir and Eve led me out of the bathroom, and straight to the nurses office. When the nurse asked what happened, Eve quickly replied, "Um, we were playing around with water balloons, and I accidentally shot her in the face."
The nurse didn't seem to believe it, but didn't say a word. She led me over to the bed, and gave me a pack of ice. Before I knew it, I fell asleep with the nice icy feeling on my burning cheek.
When I awoke, I saw the concerned faces of Eve, Mir, and none other than Carter.
"Look, she's waking up," Carter whispered.
"W-What happened?" I muttered, struggling to sit up.
"You don't remember?" Mir asked. "Lola slapped you in the face."
Anger surged through me. That little brat. She didn't even let me finish my sentence. No wonder Carter broke up with her.
"Honey, you can go now if you want," the nurse said.
"Thanks," I replied. I stood up. Carter and Eve rushed to my side, but I shooed them away. "Guys, I got slapped, not shot."
We said goodbye to Carter, who kept apologizing for the way Lola acted, then walked back to our dorm.
"See you tomorrow," Mir said, walking to her own dorm.
When Eve and I got inside, I plopped on the bed. I decided to talk about something that's been burning inside of me since the orientation. "You know, I thought Mir was a really talkative girl when I first met her. Now, she actually seems like a normal person."
"That's how she always is. She just gets excited whenever she meets someone new, because she wants a new best friend. So she tries so hard, talking and talking, to try and make up for her loss," Eve said.
"Wait, wait," I stammered. "Her loss?"
"Oh, well, back in our freshman year in high school, Mir was best friends with Sabrina Lawrence. They talked non stop with each other, and hung out 24/7. But halfway through the school year, Sabrina was diagnosed with cancer."
I gasped.
"They tried so hard to fight against it: chemo, medicine, drugs; all of it. It didn't work. Sabrina died the summer after ninth grade."
"H-How do you know about this?"
"We went to the same school. Of course, the principal told us everything that happened. Mir was devastated. But, that's what made her the girl she is today. She talks to people she meets so much, to try and make them like her. After, when she thinks she's found a new best friend, she chills a bit."
"Wow," I breathed. "That's so crazy. She seems so nice! Like nothing happened!"
"Thats what she wants you to think."
Eve and I got into our pajamas. I was still super shocked. I got over it though, when we picked out our first day outfits, and compared schedules. We have three out of five classes together.
When I started to crawl into bed, Eve squealed.
"What?" I exclaimed.
"Sorry, I forgot! You got a letter!"
"Why is that so exciting?"
"Sorry, I just never get letters. All I get are Snapchats and texts."
She handed me the letter. I recognized the return address: Kennedy.
I forgot all about her. I seem to be forgetting everything lately. Like Tyler, she didn't even say goodbye to me. I think she's leaving for her college next week.
I ripped open the letter:
Dear Hazel,
I'm so sorry I didn't say goodbye to you. As you know, I was on my family vacation at Disney World this past week. When I got home, I went over to your house, but you weren't there. I was devastated, but I know how much you love letters, so here you go. I hope your sister is having fun at her acting college! Remember, Chicken Legs, don't have too much fun without me!
Love, Kennedy

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