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We started our girl's night out by going out to eat at In and Out burger.
"I can't believe we're doing this," I said for the fifth time.
"Oh come on Hazel!" Eve exclaimed, clearly getting annoyed. "Live your life for once!"
I rolled my eyes playfully and began to eat my burger.
After about an hour of talking, laughing, and eating, we were done and walking out of there.
"What do you guys wanna do now?" Mir asked.
"Let's go bowling!" Eve said.
"Perfect!" I yelled.
We ran off to Eve's car and went to the nearest bowling alley, San Fransisco Bowl.
As we walked in the door, someone caught my eye right away: Sheila Dixon. I gasped, and started toward the bathroom right away.
"What's wrong babe?" Mir asked as she and Eve ran after me.
"Cramps?" Eve asked.
"No!" I almost laughed, but then remembered. "You know Sheila? The girl who competed against me?"
"Oh yeah! She was really good!" Mir said.
"What about her?" Eve asked.
"Well, right as we walked in, I saw her at the first lane," I breathed.
Mir and Eve looked at each other. "So?" Eve asked. "She seems nice."
"Yeah, we are in the same math class," Mir said.
I just stared at them. Oh, great! I'm going to tell them what I did to her, they're going to hate me, and the whole night is ruined! I quickly debated what to do in my head.
"Yeah! She's cool," I lied. "I just was shocked to see someone we knew."
Mir and Eve didn't seem to believe it, but shrugged and walked out.
I can't believe I lied to my best friends! Guilt started to rise in my body, but I shook it out and walked out after them.
It'll be okay, just enjoy a night out with your friends!
We went up to the table where the shoes were, and told him our sizes.
I avoided looking over at Sheila, afraid she would see me and kill me on the spot.
Once we got our shoes, Mir and Eve walked towards the lane right next to Sheila.
Before they could talk to her, I pulled their arms toward the lane at the other end.
"Hazel, what are you doing!" Eve asked.
"I just like to be away from people," I said quickly, saying the first thing that came to my mind.
Now it was their turn to stare at me.
My cheeks instantly flooded with color, feeling that they could see right through my lies. But, they didn't question it. Thank God.
We laced up our shoes and picked our bowling ball.
"I'll go first!" Eve exclaimed. As she was going, I sneaked a glance over at Sheila. She was laughing with her friends, throwing her beautiful blonde hair over her shoulder. The important thing was that she didn't seem to know I was here.
I relaxed a bit, realizing how much tension was in my neck.
On Eve's first try she got a strike.
"Yeah Eve!" I yelled, giving her a high five. She grinned and sat down.
After about an hour, Eve was in the lead, Mir in second, and I in last.
I set down the fifth glass of Coke, and started to get up.
"Guys, I really gotta pee. I'll be right back."
"See ya!" They said at the same time.
I walked to the bathroom. When I was done, I started to wash my hands.
When I grabbed a paper towel, a girl with thick blonde hair walked in. I glanced up, just to see who it was, when my heart stopped; it was Sheila!
When she noticed me staring, I quickly looked down.
"Wait a second," she said.
I looked up, trying to act innocent, but fear filled my body.
"What?" I asked shakily. I started to dry my hands so I could get out of there.
"Don't I know you?" she asked. All the sudden, she gasped.
I jumped, knowing what was coming next.
"Hazel!" she exclaimed. "Hazel Lynx!"
She stared daggers at me, waiting in silence.
"Uh, yeah," I stumbled, afraid.
She took a step towards me. I took a step back.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"You and your little band of losers ruined my chances of becoming famous! And let me tell you, you won't get away with it!"
"Okay, you're being a little dramatic," I said.
"Well how would you feel if your dreams were ripped from you!"
"Um, I have to go....," I said as I ran from the bathroom.
I left a stunned Sheila in the ladies room, and found my friends.
"What took you so long?" Mir asked.
"Cramps?" Eve asked again.
"It's not cramps!" I yelled. Eve and Mir looked taken aback.
"I'm sorry guys, but we need to go."
"What?" Eve said.
"We need to leave!" I exclaimed. We needed to leave before Sheila found me and exposed my secret.
"What's your problem?" Mir asked.
"We're just trying to have fun with you before you go, and you're acting like a complete brat!" Eve shoved the bowling ball back on the rack and stormed away.
Mir followed her, giving me a glare as she left.
I sat on the chair, sad. I looked towards the bathroom, and saw Sheila walking out. Despite wanting to apologize to my friends, I jumped up and grabbed my coat. Walking behind other people, I left an angry Sheila and angry friends, and left.
As I entered the cold night, I started to cry. They were right, after this night I would probably never see them again, and I screwed it all up. If only I knew, then I wouldn't have been mean to Sheila.
I scurried back to college, hands in my pockets, when I reached the front door and realized that Eve had all of our keys in her purse. I groaned, and sat down in the corner of the doorway.
Suddenly, the door opened and I was staring at the face of Carter.
"Hey," he said, tilting his head.
"Hey," I replied.
"What are you doing out here?"
"I was out with my friends, we got into a fight, and now I don't have a key."
"Got it," Carter said, nodding. "I know how you feel. I get into fights when friends all the time. Come on in, it's late."
I got up and followed in him gratefully. He took my hand a led me to my room. I sat down on my bed with a sigh.
"You wanna talk?" Carter asked.
"I don't know, I'm just tired and confused."
"Okay," Carter said. "Remember we're meeting the director tomorrow. 10 AM."
"I know," I said, taking my jacket off and lying down. "Thanks Carter."
"No problem. Goodnight," he said, and bent down and kissed my forehead.
I blushed ferociously, but soon fell asleep.
An hour later, I heard Eve come in. She was sniffling, and within ten minutes she was in bed and snoring softly.
I sat thinking about what was going to happen tomorrow. Would we make up, or would we give each other the cold ear? I fell back asleep with worries filling my brain.
When I woke up, I saw Eve getting ready. I waited in bed for a few minutes, wanting to avoid an awkward silence. After she left, I quickly got up, realizing that there was an hour before I had to meet the director.
I got dressed in a nice and casual turquoise dress with black converse. I threw my hair up into a messy bun. I put on light makeup; mascara, light blush, and light pink lipstick. By 9:30 I was on my way out of the dorm.
I walked to Carter's dorm to make sure he was awake; turns out he wasn't.
I gently knocked on the door, but there was no answer. Assuming his roommate left for class, I opened the door. I walked in and saw Carter sleeping soundly on the bed in the farthest corner. I walked over quietly, not wanting to wake him.
He was snoring soundly, drool slipping from his mouth. If we weren't meeting the director in fifteen minutes, I would have just waited for him to wake up. Unfortunately, it wasn't like that.
I gently shook him, whispering his name. He slowly woke up inhaling sharply, probably shocked to see me.
"Hey," I whispered. "It's time to get up."
"Hey Hazel," he said back. "I must be dreaming."
I sat back, wondering what to do next. Should I tell him he's not dreaming? It would probably freak him out that I am in his room.
"It sure is," I lied. Suddenly, I did something that shocked me; I bent over and kissed him. A soft kiss, a dream kiss, right on the lips.
I pulled away and walked out of the room, knowing that he would wake up.
I scurried away to the main office. When I entered, Logan, Mrs. Briggs, and the director were already there.
"Hazel, is Carter on his way?" Logan asked.
"Um, he should be," I replied nervous. I should have just woken him up.
Just then, the door burst open and in walked a dazed Carter.
"Sorry I'm late," he said hastily.
I chuckled. It reminded me of callbacks.
"That's all right," the director said. "Hi, I'm Terri, it's nice to meet you!"
"Hello," I replied. "It's nice to meet you too." I shook her hand.
Carter did the same.
"Well, if you don't mind, I would like to speak to Carter and Hazel alone. Follow me."
We left Logan and Mrs. Briggs and followed Terri into the sunny day.
When she was far ahead of us, Carter whispered in my ear, making me jump.
"Hazel, can I tell you something?"
"I, uh, I had a dream about you, last night."
"Really?" I said, trying to act surprised.
"Yeah, and um, you, um-"
"You kissed me."
I just smirked and walked towards Terri.
"Please have a seat!" she said, pointing to the picnic blanket on the ground.
I sat down across from Terri. Carter sat down beside me.
"So," Terri began. "It's an honor to meet you guys. Logan talks about you non-stop."
I smiled, not sure of what to say.
"Well he's a nice guy," Carter said.
"He really is. Anyway, I'm here to talk about the movie. Do you already sign the contract?"
We nodded.
"Great! Now we just have to talk about what the movie is about. So, telling from the title, it's about a robot, Hazel, who falls in love with Logan. But, Hazel's robot family and friends want to take over Earth. So, Logan and Carter will try and fight them, alongside other actors and actresses of course. You will meet them when we get to the set in a week. Obviously much more conflicts will happen but that's the main idea. You got that?"
We nodded again. Seemed simple enough.
"Oh, and Hazel's character has a sister, who is a robot obviously, and she ends up dying."
I tensed. Why? How am I going to film this movie if I have a constant reminder of my sister?
I tried to relax. Don't think about it. This is just a coincidence; they don't mean any harm.
Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Carter staring at me.
"Is something wrong?" Terri asked.
"Oh, no, it's fine," I lied. I shoved my feelings away. "Keep going."
"Next, we are going to talk about your payment."
Me and Carter looked at each other excitedly. This is what I'm talking about.
"So, your payment......"
Terri continued to explain everything, from payment to agents.
"I have already got your agents. You will meet them once we get to the set. Remember, we are leaving in one week from now. We want you to get there early to get settled in your hotel, tour the city, and meet everyone."
"Well thank you so much!" I said.
"No problem! I'm excited to work with you both!"
"Yes, thank you!" Carter said.
The three of us got up and walked back to the office.
When we reached the door, Terri said goodbye and walked away.
Carter and I walked in, carrying papers with all the information Terri just told us. We were met by Logan and Mrs. Briggs.
"How'd it go?" Logan asked.
"Does she like you?" Mrs. Briggs asked.
"Yes and yes," Carter replied.
"Good," Logan sighed. "Hey Hazel, can I talk to you for a moment?"
"Sure," I said, dropping the papers on the desks and following him out. I used to be so nervous and excited to be around him; now I'm used to it. How that can change in only a few weeks.
We walked to a small room just down the hall from the office.
"What's up?" I asked.
"Did Terri tell you about your robot sister?"
"Oh, yeah," I replied, feeling uncomfortable.
"How do you feel about that?"
"Not very good, Dr. Logan," I said, trying to ease the tension.
"I tried to have them change it, but they wouldn't allow it! Something about having everything at the right time."
"Yeah, I totally get it. Don't worry about it."
I walked out of the room as fast as I could before it got awkward. I appreciated him caring about me, but I just don't want to talk about Piper right now.
I walked back to my room. Without thinking, I opened the door. Sitting on Eve's bed was Mir and Eve, talking while eating salads. I looked at my watch, and realized it was lunch time.
They both looked up.
I quickly walked to my nightstand and grabbed my lunch, and walked back out.
Gosh, that was so awkward. I hope that doesn't have to happen again.
I walked to the cafe, found the first open table I saw, and started eating lunch. After a few minutes, Bailey, Max, and Marcy came to sit down at my table.
"Hey girl, how's it going?" Marcy asked.
"We haven't spoke to you in ages!" Bailey said.
"You got the role!" Max said.
"Not so good, yeah I know, and yeah, super exciting," I replied.
"What's wrong?" Marcy asked.
"I got in a fight with my friends," I said grimly.
"Ugh, I hate when that happens!" Bailey said.
"Don't worry, we'll help you get through this!" Max said.
"Thanks guys, but I don't think we're going to make up very soon."
"Well, you've got us!" Max said.
"True," I smiled.
We talked about the movie and school for the rest of lunch, until they had to go to class.
"Bye guys!" I said.
They waved and walked out of the cafe.
I decided to get up too. I walked around the school for a bit, before I decided to just go back to my room.
I walked back, admiring the nature outside, and finally reached my dorm. I opened the door with my key, and gasped. Logan was sitting on my bed. This is the second time he's been in my room, and now I'm a lot more conscious of the embarrassing poster of him hanging on my wall.
"Hey Hazel," Logan said. "Hope you don't mind."
"No, not at all. How did you get into my room?"
"Mrs.Briggs gave me the keys."
"Oh," I replied. I sat down on the spinning chair in front of my desk. I wanted to look up what to pack, maybe email relatives, but now Logan is here.
"So what's up?" I asked.
"I just needed to tell you something before our lives become public."
"Okay, shoot."
He sighed. "Hazel.....I like you. Ever since your audition, I've have feelings for you. Your super talented. You don't meet many girls like that."
I was taken aback. Sure, he had been my crush for ten years, but I like Carter now. Someone I know can stay with me, and not let fame get in the way.
"Logan, I'm flattered, but-"
"But what? I thought you'd like me too, since..." He pointed up at the poster.
I started to blush, but kept my cool. "That was awhile ago."
"Oh," Logan said, disappointed. "Sorry."
"No don't be. I obviously did something wrong," Logan said sadly.
"It's not you, it's me," I said, feeling like it was a romance movie.
"Yeah sure." Logan got up and moved towards the door. "See you later Hazel."
I just stayed silent. That was hard. The way he handled it was surprising. My six year old feelings were starting to come back. Sure, he's famous, but Carter's going to become famous too. How do I know he won't walk out on me? Logan is so nice for a famous guy.
I'm just gonna have to choose.

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