Night Three: Woodland

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Eiffel Tower
1915 hours - 15 minutes till event

Came the time for the third night to start. It was a rush hour for the people all over the area of the tower; the technical crew busy making sure the lights were bright enough, the microphones and cameras working and perfectly functional, both broadcasters testing satelite signal strengths for smooth streaming, the catering company busy setting up the buffet table, and the guests whe came late grabbing whichever empty seats they could.

Meanwhile in the Stilton Media Group's broadcasting booth, we were busy checking our own equipment in order to run the program without any mishaps. "Comms fully operting, standby for mic check," I initiated. "Starting with Colette, go."

All of their amplified squeaks echoed at the bottom of the tower from loud speakers, one by one...

Except for Geronimo's. "Danny, my mic's not working. I think there's something wrong with the battery," he radioed.

"Pandora," I signaled, snapping my fingers. Why I chose her is because she could sprint fast.

"On it," she replied immediately, grabbing a spare 9 volt battery on her way out.

We watched her go from inside the glass booth, running around the seats to the stage at speeds comparable to Usian Bolt's, with full of grace.

I blew out a long whistle. "That is a one-of-a-kind girl you fell for, huh Benjamin?"

"Yeah..." he said, mesmerised. "Seeing her do something unique just makes me fall in love with her more." I turned to look at him, seeing that he was still looking watching her from afar.

"Ah, so you do have a thing with Pandora!" Trap chimed.

The lovestruck mouselet finally switched attention. "Yeah... just don't blow the secret to her. Wouldn't want to ruin the surprise for her."

"What surprise?"

"You know that we celebrate the anniverary of the day we first met by giving each other gifts, right?"


"That day is when I'll give her the best surprise gift yet. I'm proposing to her so she'd be my girlfriend at the school's annual spring talent show next Monday as a part of my performance."

"Then I wish you the best of luck, loverboy," Trap teased with a French accent in the last word.

"Thanks..." Benjamin responded, seeming to not even care about the joke. "Wait a second, did we just talked about this with the comms turned on?"

I gasped in sarcasm. "No, we didn't," I said, etching an annoying smile on my face.

"Benjamin sighed out in relief. "Thank goodness..."

"Sound check - testing, one, two, three..." Geronimo tested his mic, his muffled squeaks piercing the glass booth.

"Alright, G. Beautiful," I said. "Okay, Pandora. Time for you to get back here and help your boy- ...uh.... best friend with the visuals."

"On my way," she responded.

"Hey Pandora, bet 'cha can't get back here faster than thrity seconds!" Trap challenged.

"Oh, you're on!"

Out of nowhere, an unexpected guest showed up. 'Guys, got a minute?" asked Hussein. As the judge, he was wearing a formal black suit.

"Hussein!' I exclamied, all of us looking back towards the entrance. "Uh, I think we do... since we've done checking our equipment and all... Sooo...yeah! What's up?"

Geronimo Stilton: INTERPOL-Trouble In France: An Old Enemy ReturnsWhere stories live. Discover now