Attack On The Convoy

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Château de l'Arif - Paris, France
1700 hours

After a long ride, we all made it back to the Château in an hour prior the time stamp written above, except Geronimo and Hussein. The two split up from us and drove to the NCB instead while escorting Gustav. Of course, Pinky had to come back with us, or she'd have to accommodate at the Ops Command.

At the moment, we were about to witness the interrogation. I managed to hack my way to the camera feed of the interrogation room without alerting anyone, and displayed it to the living room flatscreen TV for everyone at the top to watch. Meanwhile, a second flatscreen also received the live feed at the waiting lounge in the underground garage for me and Russell to watch. Benjamin had to miss all of it while I was eavesdropping the audio that reflected off the garage walls while I worked on cloning another car for Russell (which he had no idea of) and had to miss practice sessions with Benjamin and Flash.

I peaked out of the brand new car while I was working with her new AI profile. The position of the turntable gave me a perfect view of the flatscreen through the windscreen; I could see Gustav sitting on a chair bolted to the ground, cuffed to it as he faced the door.

"Look at this scum," Russell began. "He sickens me."

"How?" I responded, busy looking down on the holographic screen in front of the steering wheel.

"He steals meds from hospitals that need them. I expected that he's got some sort of supplier, but his method is just cruel."

"I thought your experience The Technologists would make you feel normal," Trap chimed in through the speakers, his squeaks booming around in the showroom garage. The whole château was wired with hidden microphones so J-Son could receive and input orders as well as communication between rooms.

"Well Trap, although I was a terrorist spy, I had ethics in doing my job," Russell replied. "I'm not as ruthless as Williams was."

I wanted the conversation to continue, so I started with another topic. "So, what's everyone gonna think will happen in this interrogation?"

"I don't know," Russell answered with a lower octave. "How much are you willing to bet if this ends with a shocker?"

"None, because gambling isn't allowed in Islam. But if I did, I'd go for $100."

Russell wore a smirk. "I think I can do better than that."

I poked my head out of the opened door. "How better?"

"Mmm... $150, maybe?"

"I'm betting $40," Trap joined in.

"If he's betting, I'm in," Thea asserted. "80 bucks, no shocker."

"$70 if there is, another $70 if there isn't," Pinky gambled.

"€40 for each of the Thea Sisters!" Pamela announced.

"$10 with shocker," Pandora bet.

"Bet all you want, as long as you guys leave me out of it," I shouted from inside the car.

Russell chuckled, shaking his head.

We saw the door being opened in the flatscreen, then Geronimo followed by Hussein enter the room.

"Alright everyone! Be quiet, the interrogation is about to start," Russell requested.

We all settled down, and watched the interrogation take place.

Hussein who had the time to change clothes removed his hoodie from his head. "Gustav Blanc... Five years you've been most wanted #6 and you're finally caught," Geronimo started calmly.

Geronimo Stilton: INTERPOL-Trouble In France: An Old Enemy ReturnsWhere stories live. Discover now