Final Rehearsals

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Sunday - March 29, 2014

35,000 feet above the Atlantic Ocean

0354 hours

We were about an hour and a half in our flight to New Mouse City. I provided healing for everyone who were injured during their duels, and soon after that, we had changed our clothes and most of us went to catch some shut eye.

I, meanwhile, couldn't sleep. Not even in the most comfortable couch in the aircraft. I was dead beat, sure, but I can't help but to just stay awake. I looked through photos of Firas and I on my phone - times when both of us were close. I smiled at them as I recalled our childhood. We'd go everywhere, we'd do everything... those times were pretty sweet. If only I got to thank him before it was his time.

Benjamin was also trying to fall asleep next to me on his spot of the couch. His head began to droop and his mouth opened wide to a yawn. He looked over at me with those weary eyes. "Hey dude," he groaned softly.

"Hey Benjamin," I replied, eyes still glued to the screen.

"You asleep yet?"

"Nope. You?"

"I'm about to." He yawned again. "Whatcha doin' there?"

"Scrolling through old photos of me and Firas."

He examined my face expression. "You don't look sad for a guy who just lost someone close to him."

"I am, I just have that good poker face, you know?" I sniffled. "But I'm happy for him too because I got to reform him in time. I'd suffer more if he died on Williams' side."

Benjamin pondered. "You know, you don't have to join me in the talent show because of what happened. I'll call off the performance, because I can't have it without you being part of it."

I'm sorry, what?

"I understand that you're mourning, and I respect it. You need time for yourself to recover. I can think up other ways I can confess to her later, so you don't have to worry about that," he continued.

Benjamin, what were you thinking?

"Dude, what are you talking about?" I said. "We're not gonna cancel our performance."

"Are you sure that you want to do this?"

"Yes! I'm sure. Benjamin, the next several hours will be the biggest hours of your life! I'm not gonna make you cancel the performance just because I have to mourn. Just because I'm sad, doesn't necessarily mean that you have to be sad. Taking away other's happiness isn't what I do, especially to family."

A smile grew on his face. "I really appreciate that, Danny. Thanks."

"No problem."

I saw him squint and peered over me. "Seems that we're not the only insomniacs here."

I looked over to where he was looking. Colette was on the far side of the couch at the armrest, mildly sleepy as she looked down on her phone. "Tu ne dors pas encore, Colette?" I spoke her tongue.

"Hmm? Non... Though I do feel like turning in soon," she responded.

"Whatcha doin'?"

"Checking up on..." she yawned, " Julie is doing."

"How is she?"

"She's doing well, ze medics tended to her cuts and bruises and she's staying at our Ops Command for ze night."

"That's good to hear. Though there's one thing that bothers me..."

"What is it?"

"How did she deploy the taser that you gave her?"

Geronimo Stilton: INTERPOL-Trouble In France: An Old Enemy ReturnsWhere stories live. Discover now