Don't Slowly Fade Away

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Benjamin's perspective

Monday - March 30, 2014
New Mouse Playhouse Grand Theater, Downtown NMC
1147 hours

Me and the boys were by the theater early in the morning to rehearse our entrance and how we should perform on stage. It shouldn't take the whole day, I was assured, because I needed to get ready by five o'clock. Oh, what was that? School? C'mon guys, the school was having its spring break.

Anyway, I saw Punk Rat and his band there. Flash wasn't kidding about it, alright. They did a mock performance by playing certain parts of their song for a soundcheck, and they were actually good. By their performance, I had a hint of what genre he was going to play.

Pop punk.

I tried avoiding any contact with him, but when it was our turn to use the stage, we crossed paths with them backstage. They gave us glares of intimidation, but we didn't give in to any of it.

I was in the rows of seats on the balcony with Danny and Flash. Right after an hour of rehearsing, I get a call from Pandora. I acted natural, and slid the 'answer' slider. "What's up, Pandora?" I greeted her casually.

"Hey Benjamin!" she replied. "I wanted to ask you, since we got home early from everything that happened in France, are you doing anything later tonight?"

"Nothing in particular... Is this about the school's talent show you were going to take me to?"

"Yeah! You still wanna go with me?"

"Of course I want to! It was your special surprise, I wouldn't wanna say no to that."

"Speaking of which, happy tenth friendship anniversary!"

"Awh! You beat me to it..." I chuckled. "Happy tenth year of friendship, Pandora."

"And here's to many more to come!" She kissed into the mic. It honestly made my cheeks flush red a little bit.

I giggled some more. "Pandora, stop it! You're making me blush!"

"Tehehe~" My heart began to pound. "So, when's your surprise gonna come up today?"

"Oh, you'll just have to wait and see. It's gonna be big."

"Really? How big is it?"

"Depends on your definition of it, but I'd say pretty big."

"It kinda sounds like it has a double meaning."

"We're both making it sound like it has a double meaning." I tried so hard to hold in my laugh.

I heard her snorting while trying to do the same, but she burst into laughter anyway, and it was contagious towards me. "Ayy!"

"Ayy!" We finally got ourselves to stop. "So, I'll come by and pick you up at seven, how's that sound?"

"Perfect! I'll see you then."

"Can't wait." I hung up with an ear-to-ear smile on my snout. I found myself having a sudden heart rate climb and felt some kind of rushed.

Danny took notice. "Pumped?" he asked, peering over.

"Yeah... and kinda anxious," I responded. "I wonder what she'll reply..."

"Hey, the important thing is that we try," Flash reminded, peering over Danny.

I nodded. "Right."

"Let's kickass tonight, boys!" Danny cheered.

Flash and I followed in unison: "Yeah!"

I heard footsteps coming from behind Danny. I noticed that it was actually Pinky trying to sneak up on him.

Geronimo Stilton: INTERPOL-Trouble In France: An Old Enemy ReturnsWhere stories live. Discover now