Opération Libérées Ailes

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Évreux-Fauville Airbase
2005 hours

Rush hour hit the airbase as the moon rose from the skyline, surrounded by hundreds of twinkling stars. The existing teams were moved to make preparations for the retake as the soldiers arrived in a fleet of French APCs while the other NATO countries' soldiers rolled in Gurkhas through the airbase entrance. The Specters and I had done another prayer, seeking victory from Allah in our next rescue op.

The supervisor of the troops would be a French Army Colonel. He himself paid Geronimo a visit at the mobile operations unit while the rest of us were in the armory.

"Agent Stilton," the colonel greeted.

"Colonel, sir! I've been meaning to meet you," said Geronimo.

"Likewise. I have been briefed about ze strategy your team came up with by ze General Secretariat of Interpol. Your plan is good, and I can agree with zat."

"Merci, sir."

"I will see you during briefing." As the general left to attend his troops, Pinky radioed him through a walkie talkie.

"Geronimo, ammo and arms transport trucks are here. Signal the guards to let them in," she told.

He snatched the walkie talkie from his belt. "Roger that, Pinky. Guards, the trucks are Interpol's. Let them in."

Just then, Thea and I had came out after getting our plate carriers to join him. He looked busy as usual.

"Hey," Thea squeaked from behind him.

"Hey," he replied. "You two all locked and loaded?"

"Yeah, sort of," I answered. "All we need now are Prof Philips' surprise tech."

"Speaking of which, here he comes now," Thea pointed her snout to the approaching black and orange Bugatti with Valkyrie and Veyronica tailing behind.

They stopped on front of us and the prof of came out at the driver's side. "Mission successful, Crew!" he said. He rushed to the passenger side as the door flung open.

"We knew you could do it, Prof!" I congratulated.

"Why, thank you, Danial!" He bent down to attend who appeared to be Evans. "Can we get a stretcher over here? Miss Evans can't walk, one of her leg is on the fritz."

Geronimo neared his mouth to the walkie talkie. "This is Agent Geronimo Stilton to the infirmary, could you send someone over with a stretcher?" With a quick reply, he ended the transmission.

"Stay put, paramedics are on the way to get you," Prof Philips said to Evans. He got up and went to us. "Right. I need The Crew to come with me, Thea Sisters and Specters included."

"Where to?" Thea queried.

"The surprise tech."

We rounded up the others who were already in their vests, and we followed the Prof into one of the hangars. It was lit brightly inside, and instead of a plane, in its place were several wooden crates arranged in three long rows. "These will be vital in executing your battle strategy for your retake," he stated, with us walking fast towards the crates.

"What're inside these, specifically?" Hussein asked.

"You'll find out..." He grabbed a crowbar sitting next to one of the crates of the first row on a wooden cargo pallet and began to un-crate. We peered inside for its contents. "These are all iPhones equipped with with Juggernaut casings and mounts to the plate carrier just like the one have on my vest. These are programmed with an app and are connected to the signal jammers in the last row of crates. Can also be used to mark the airstrikes. One of these for each Gurkha."

Geronimo Stilton: INTERPOL-Trouble In France: An Old Enemy ReturnsWhere stories live. Discover now