Chapter 6: Football Game

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There has been some confusion about the location of this story. I have it set in Doncaster and Louis is supposed to be British and Niall Irish, but this chapter is about American football, like in the Pepsi commercial? I'm pretty awful when it comes to sports terms, especially considering my school doesn't even have a football team! I hope this clears things up. It won't be too much about sports anymore. And I realize Doncaster is in Europe but in the story it's supposed to seem more American, because its easier to write considering that's where I'm from. But imagine things how you like, this is a fictional story and its all about how you want to interpret it :)


Ahh. Friday night. Peace at last. I thought as I slammed shut the Jeep door and started for the house. Niall beat me to the door, and I waited for him to take off his white Supras, secretly staring at his little bum as he leaned against the doorframe.

"So, what do you wanna do tonight? Watch a movie, play a board game?" I asked him as I got us a couple of Cokes from the fridge, not sure what kind of fun Niall had over in Ireland.

"Ehm, I don't know." He replied honestly. "What does everyone do around here?" He propped himself up on the counter and cracked open his can of soda.

"What do you mean everyone? My parents?" I replied, my eyebrows furrowed behind my glasses. "I mean, usually they go out to dinner or something and I--"

Niall smirked and said, "I meant the kids from school, silly. Are there any parties tonight?"

"Well, I assume. After the football game that is," I replied quietly. Maybe he didn't even hear me. Hopefully not.

"Football game? That sounds like fun."

"Ehm, I guess so, if you're into the whole... bleachers and cheerleaders thing." At this point I was looking out the big window into the backyard. It was a pretty nice day out, good football weather. But I shouldn't have brought it up.

"You're not into cheerleaders?" Niall asked incredulously, whipping his head around to face me, as if not liking girls wasn't possible. Disappointment shot through me. Why should it matter anyway, Louis. He's your exchange student, and a straight one at that.

My body froze without answer. I was so not ready to have this conversation.

"Not cheerleaders, they're kind of... rowdy, don't you think? Girls are nice though..." My voice wavered back and forth, and my forehead burned with sweat. If only he knew what I actually liked.

"Yeah, I kinda get what you're saying now that I think about it," he replied after a few seconds, thankfully looking down at his hands and not at me.

I nodded but didn't say anything. Thanks to the big elephant in the room now there was no way we could stay here all night without both of us dying from one-sided sexual tension. And boredom.

I cleared my throat awkwardly and said, "So, football game it is?"

* * *

"C'mon Niall! I don't wanna wear this, it's itchy!"

"You don't even have it on yet!" He cracked up, shaking the bottle of spirit paint back and forth. Apparently school spirit wear was one of the perks of being an exchange student, and Niall was forcing me to paint red warrior lines under my eyes. I felt like an idiot.

"And why do we have to do this?" I crossed my arms and leaned back against the kitchen table, shutting my eyes.

Niall didn't answer. He just leaned forward and put one hand on my shoulder, balancing himself in front of me as he slowly slid the bottle across my cheeks, painting the red color over my already reddened face. I was incredibly uncomfortable with him this close, especially since we were the only ones home at the moment.

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