Chapter 15: Prom Part One

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Louis POV

"Why didn't you just tell me?"

That was the first thing she said. She didn't sound angry, which was at least a little comforting. She asked to speak to me in private first thing this morning, so I followed her into her and my dad's bedroom. As she shut the door gently behind her, I could only imagine how Niall was feeling out on the couch.

"C'mon, Louis. It's me, your mum. Please talk to me, dear." She smiled kindly and patted the spot beside her on the comforter. I sat down.

"I was.. afraid," I admitted after a minute, my gaze focused on the laundry blowing around out on the clothesline.

"Afraid of what, darling?"

I didn't reply, only shook my head. I knew if I opened my mouth and tried to say so much as anything I would break down.

"Afraid of being gay?" She prompted. My stomach lurched hearing the word come from her mouth.

"Yeah." My eyes watered up. I tilted my head towards the ceiling because damn it you stupid tears.

"Louis," my mum scooted closer, giving my shoulders a reassuring squeeze. "You know that your father and I will love you through anything. No matter what."

"You sure?" I sniffed through my runny nose, because it wasn't that simple.

"Of course, love. This doesn't change anything. You're still our little boobear," she promised and pulled me into a hug. I rolled my eyes at the old nickname and snuggled close, breathing in the comforting scent of her cotton shirt.

"So you're not mad?" I asked again, just to be sure.

"About you and Niall?" She laughed and waved the thought away. "Believe it or not, Louis, I wasn't born yesterday. I see the way you look at each other."

Was I that obvious? A blush rose in my cheeks as she continued. "It may not be an ideal situation, but if it's meant to be, it will. I can tell how much you two care about each other. Your smile when you're with him looks just like mine when I started dating your father," she grinned. "But do realize that he's leaving in just a few short weeks. I'm just worried, because, well.. I don't want you to get hurt, darling."

"I know, mum." I nodded sadly, not wanting to imagine life without Niall. In just a couple months of being here, I've become a whole new person. And it's all because of him.

After a minute, she spoke up again. "Try not to stress, it'll all work out in the end. For now, just enjoy your time together. It's your junior year, Louis. Go out, have a little fun," she nudged my arm playfully and we stood up from the bed.

"Thank you," I hugged her before she could see my eyes water again. "For being so supportive. I love you and dad so much."

"We love you too."


Niall POV

Liam handed me the thin glass slide out in the parking lot after school on Friday.

"I still can't get over how great of an idea this is, mate." Liam shook his head.

"Well, thanks," I replied. "I'm pretty proud of it myself."

"Just text me afterwards with the good news," he reminded me as he climbs into the drivers seat of his truck.

"If it all goes right," I trailed off.

"Oh, don't be a dumbass, Niall," Liam slapped me lightly, but nodded confidently. "He'll say yes, I know it."

I swallowed. "Alright. Thanks again for your help," I replied appreciatively, stepping back as he backed out of the parking space.

"Any time. See you later, mate! Good luck!"

"I'll need it," I muttered to myself as Liam, Harry and Zayn rolled out of the school parking lot in Harry's SUV, hollering and making kissy noises out the window at me.

I shot off a quick text to Louis, my fingers shook slightly as I typed, but hopefully the message didn't sound weird.

Where r u ? :)

There that sounds decent enough.

Within seconds he replied.

Biology room ;)

I headed down the hall towards the science wing of the school. I was finally to the point where I didn't need a map to find my way around. I made it to door and peeked in through the glass by the doorway. Louis was alone in the back, bent over a microscope, just like I hoped. Perfect. I took a deep breath and ran a hand through my hair, trying to make it look as unstyled and laid-back as possible.

I thumbed the smooth glass slide in my pocket anxiously, and before I could decide whether this idea was lame or not my fingers opened the door quietly and my feet carried me over to the only occupied lab table in the room.

"Hey," Louis looked up from his microscope and greeted me with a small smile and eyes that appeared extra blue against the navy shirt he was wearing.

"What's up?" I asked, my voice rising a bit at the end.

"Just comparing these slides of onion root for tomorrow," he shrugged.

"Oh, right." Louis tutored a few 7th graders after school a few times per month. Yet another thing that makes him perfect.

"I'll be done in a few minutes," he said after a minute or so when he realized I was still standing at the counter.

Damn it, being shoo-ed away was not part of the plan. Maybe I should text Liam for a phase two?

"That's alright, I'll just.. watch?" I offered awkwardly.

"If you so desire," Louis replied, chuckling. "It's pretty boring." He looked down and stared at his foot for a second before kneeling to the floor to tie his shoe.

Yessss. I looked to the ceiling to praise Jesus. This was my chance.

I leaned over quickly and slid the piece of glass gently under the lens and adjusted the magnification. Luckily, the one day I actually listened in science class was about the microscopes. Turns out that you do actually need some science skills to function in the real world.

I didn't dare breathe as Louis stood back up and looked through the lens. His eyes went all squinty and then wide in shock. I knew I did something right when he gripped my shoulders and pulled me in for a long, deep kiss that ended with both of us panting as I lifted him up on the counter for better access.

Louis broke the kiss and looked down again at the glass slide that said Prom? in tiny black letters.

"I take that as a yes?" I grinned sheepishly, waiting for his response.

"I really fucking love you," he broke into a massive grin and slipped his hand in mine."Of course."

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