Chapter 7: I Know U

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The concern on Dorian's face quickly faded into an eye roll. Once the initial relief of being rescued from her tiny prison wore off, Gwen realized her shorts were down to her knees and she was half covered in oil. As she tried to sit up sharp pains shot through her chest and torso. Gwen cried out despite having trouble breathing.

"I'm going to call an ambulance." As much as Gwen wanted to protest Dorian's statement as she didn't want anyone else to see her in this state, she was in too much pain to stop him. Before long he was back, "I've called the ambulance, they are on their way. Can I get anything for you?"

"Yes, pull up my shorts." Her words were breathy as the pain increased.

"They aren't going to care that your shorts are down. I am sure they have seen worse." Dorian tried to reassure her.

"I am sure they have but I haven't experienced worse, so pull up my shorts or I will do it." Gwen really had no intention of embarrassing herself further in front of this man or anyone else who might stop by.

"They told me not to move you Gwen. I don't think it would be a good idea." The concern on his face made her feel bad for being shallow, but the more she thought about strangers eyes on her greased up pink cotton undies the more she felt it necessary to get her shorts back up.

"Fine! But we do this very slowly. I don't want to hurt you anymore then you already are."

Dorian got on his knees and firmly gripped the oil stained shorts. Ever so slightly he tugged on them and then stopped looking up to gauge her reaction. To say it was painful was putting it mildly. It was torture, but she refused to let him see her in pain, so she smiled, broadly.

"Oh god. What's wrong?" His concern turned into panic as he watched her expression.

"Nothing. Why would you say that?" She tried to hold the smile but the strain of the expression was causing her cheeks to ache.

"You look like I caught you in the middle of taking a gigantic shi..."His words were cut off by the buzz at the door. Dorian ran to the intercom and hit the talk button, "Yes?"

"This is the emergency medical team. Did someone call for an ambulance?" A male voice crackled through the speaker.

"Yes, that would be me. We are on the tenth floor, third door on your right. I'll leave the door open." Dorian answered back and buzzed them in the building.

"Fuck they're here. Quickly my shorts." Gwen tried to reach down herself but couldn't lift her head because when she did it felt like lightning bolts were striking her body.

"Gwen accept the fact that the EMT's are just going to see you in your underwear." She watched him walk over to her, his hands on his hips.

"Never!" Gwen cried out as she mustered all her strength to reach for her shorts, managing to grab a belt loop and pulled as hard as she could. She couldn't enjoy or even remember the success of the inch of flesh she covered with her mighty tug because she blacked out from the pain.

When she woke up she was in the hospital. Gwen turned her head and found that it moved with no discomfort. She saw Dorian sitting in a chair in the corner of the room tapping at his phone. After a moment he looked up and smiled, "Oh good you're awake."

"What happened?" Gwen's memory was still a little foggy. She remembered getting stuck and tremendous amounts of pain, but not much after that.

"Do you remember getting stuck between the wall and refrigerator back at your apartment?" He stood, putting his phone in the pocket of his tan cargo shorts and coming to the side of her bed.

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