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Dream Start


I am standing in the centre of the same room. My eyes are swollen, red as blood. It hurts like hell even when a drop of tear escape my eyes but the pain of it , is much less than the pain in my heart. I am wearing same clothes as yesterday . The same faded black stretch jeans , a white tank top with a light grey cardigan. I want to understand what's going on but it seems like i can't , as if my mind has gone blank and i feel numb. 

There are two women standing in the same room. I know them and to avoid them i looked down as if the floor has some musical play going on and it holds my utmost concentration. But then i noticed i don't have any shoes , not even slippers. I look again with concentration towards my feet and feel something different shade then my skin . Again i try to concentrate and at last with my teary eyes i looked again at my feet and i saw blood. But why didn't i feel hurt , maybe its color but where did i get color on my feet. Let's think about it afterwards. At the same time the two women standing infant of me started saying rather screaming abusive words at me but i couldn't even argue. I could only catch few words and believe me i don't know why they said that . I was not a gold-digger, cunning, sly bitch or pathetic but again i opened my mouth but utter a word, so i closed my mouth. 

At the same time one of the woman throw some paper on my face but again i could only blink my eyes because of its impact nothing more. They said something again on my face but like few minutes ago as if my mind has shut down i couldn't catch what they were saying. Maybe there tolerance was gone with it or my unresponsive behavior  fueled their anger because next thing i know is a stinging feeling on my right cheek and then before i could make out what is happening the same feeling on my left cheek. But maybe i needed it because the next thing i know is  i came out of my numbness to some extent.

One of the woman handed me the paper again and said "SIGN THE DAMN PAPERS. ARE YOU DEAF OR GONE MAD ?  WHATEVER JUST SIGN THEM.  I DON'T HAVE THE WHOLE DAY TO SPEND ON SUCH A POOR , SLY , PATHETIC GIRL LIKE YOU." And the next thing i know i signed them. Both the woman took one of the bunch and let another there. 

I thought maybe now i could gather my thoughts alone but maybe i thoughts too soon because the next thing i know is two men and a women came in the room and said " TAKE ALL YOUR GODDAMN THINGS AND GET OUT NOW."  I looked towards the two women and one of them whom i have known for a while said the lines which made gave me the strength to do the next possible right thing.  " I NEVER LIKED YOU. YOU NEVER DESERVED ALL YOU GOT. I AM SO HAPPY TODAY THAT HE UNDERSTOOD  WHAT SHOULD BE HIS CHOICE AND TODAY HE MADE THE RIGHT ONE. NOW GET YOUR THINGS AND GET OUT OF OUR LIFE YOU CUNNING FOX AND NEVER EVER COME BACK."

And then they left. I dropped my head, stayed like that for a minute, took a deep breath and for the first time since three days back i held my head high . I went to my room took my things and came out. I looked past the the three people standing in the main room and saw all the occupants of different apartments on the floor have gathered on the door. The men and woman humiliated me again. They took my bag and within few minutes all my things were on the floor. They said  " WE HAVE TO CHECK THAT YOU DIDN'T STOLE ANYTHING."  After they were satisfied i put all my things again in the bag , put it on my shoulder and went towards the door of the room.

Dream End

And as i put my foot outside the apartment i woke up like always , sweating like hell as always.

poornima 13

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