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Guys here is another chapter. Please guys do vote , it gives me to write more . Please do appreciate my work by voting or commenting.



I saw her leaving with Enrique, Gabriela and Klaus. They were talking with each other. I glanced towards them and saw Ev with a glass of wine. Klaus and Enrique were talking to each other while Gabriela was looking the displayed jewellery.

I saw Margaret talking with her friends and drinking. The way she was laughing , i knew she had enough drinks for the night. I started talking to some other business associates while glancing at Ev from time to time. Ev & Enrique were hot topic of the evening. After a while i saw Klaus approaching Ev with a smile. They were talking , smiling . I clutched my glass harder . Klaus held her hand for her and she took it with smile. A wave of extreme jealously hit me , but as soon as it came it was gone. She need to live her life, she need o be happy after all she has gone through. She need to have the happiness which i was not able to give her.

They danced for a while and sadness filled me with each passing moment. Those should me our moment, she should she smiling like that with me, she should be dancing with me , giggling , enjoying. But i made the most regretful mistake of my life and now one person i loved the most is gone forever from my life.

The night went by and soon came the end. I , Sean, Marley, Kameron, Judah & their wives said goodbye to Patrick & Carolyn. We were about to exist the party hall , when i remembered Margaret not being with us. I looked around and found here almost asleep on the bar counter. I tried to wake her up , but no use . She was literally unconscious . She put her hand on my shoulder for support and we started walking.

I joined our group outside the hall and started waiting for our respective cars. When suddenly i felt someone eyes on me. I looked around and meet the most cold, hateful glare. But for one second i saw pain and sadness , but it was gone soon. Ev watched us for few seconds , than her eyes changed to hurt suddenly and then i realised , Margaret head was on my shoulder. Suddenly i felt happy , she was affected by my being with Margaret. She still felt something for me. Till today i hold a part of her heart. Soon she turned her gaze , maybe she was also waiting for her car.

A car came towards where we were standing and Ev started walking towards it. "Eva, Eva" someone has the guts to call her by her middle name, a rage of anger filled me. "Eva , stop for a second , amigo de la hermana " Klaus came in view. He stood infant of her and start ed talking. I could not keep my eyes away from them. ' What if he would try to do something ? what if he is a playboy in disguise? She was so naive before ' these thoughts railed my ming.

The driver opened the door for Ev. " I am going to drop her home Marc. You can go for tonight" Klaus said seriously and i was shocked. The thing that stunned me most was Ev didn't opposed it at all , rather she accompanied him to his car.

Sean looked in my eyes , all i could see was pity for me. We took our respective cars and started our journey home. We reached home at 12:00 am .Margaret was already asleep . I took her to our room and put her in bed. I left the bedroom and walked towards my study. I checked on Heather and entered my study and locked the door.

In a moment , i was on my knees and tears were falling from my eyes , it seem like the dam has broken finally. I cried for my lost love , for her smile, i cried for her sadness , for her tears, for her hurt. I cried for each and every wound i gave her. I cried for her changed self and cried for her lost old self.


Next day was Sunday . I repeated all previous night event and my eyes filled with unshed tears . Suddenly i heard small footstep coming towards my room . I wiped my tears and pretended to be asleep.  I felt my bed dip from both sides , i knew my prince and princess were awake. They put their hand on my face to wake me up.

"Mama wake wake"Rey said while giggling . "Mama wake up please" Ire said in her cute voice. I continued to pretend. They both started tickling me. I suddenly grabbed them and started tickling them instead. All three of us were giggling when suddenly someone started tickling me and i saw Kaden smiling mischievously. "Good morning tia" he said while ticking me. My Sunday morning started with beautiful smiles of my kids.

I took them to amusement park and enjoyed our whole Sunday with each other. I took them to McDonalds for lunch and as their treat i took them for ice-cream. We reach home at evening. We rested for some time, than we eat our dinner prepared by me which was simple chicken curry with rice. At night we played few games , i told them few stories and we finished our day with goodnight kisses and hugs. 


I woke up on couch of my study room . I was wearing the same clothes i wore from yesterday party. I look at my wrist watch , it was 8 am , previous night event repeated and my eyes become moist again. "I can't this, i need to forget , with this thought , i stood up , unlocked my door and went towards my room. Margaret was still sleeping,  i took a quick shower , changed into some casual clothes and left my home , while leaving a note for Margaret.

I am going to grandma and grandpa house. You were sleeping deeply so i decided not to disturb you. I will be back tonight.


I reached my grandparents house. They lived at countryside . I spend my whole day chatting with my grandparents. I ate my grandma cooked food and took a walk with my grandpa. I came back home in evening. I did my preparation for Monday and watched football match till midnight , till i slept on the couch that night.

So guys both Tyler and Iris are miserable. So what do think happened in their past which led to this. Please do leave your suggestion . DO vote and comment . Thanks a lot.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2016 ⏰

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