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Hello everyone this is the new chapter of My broken life. Enjoy. Tyler suit for party is up in picture.


As i woke up this morning , the sunlight was rushing through the room. It was hard for me to open my eyes because of light but they soon adjusted and i was wide awake. I was laying on my bed with my with one hand covering my forehead and another laying by my side. I sat up and rubbed my faced to remove the left traces of sleep from my face and looked at the alarm clock , on the side table, displaying 7:00 am.

I turned on my other side and meet with the site , i have been for past 4 and a half year. Margaret was sleeping , her blanket was covering her legs and stomach, her hair were lying on her pillow and i could see she was wearing one pink night gown . I turned my face and looked outside the window. I got up and entered my ensuite bathroom and started my daily routine. I took my a quick shower. I entered my room and saw no one. 'Margaret must have left ' was the thought which came in mind , i dismissed anything else and started taking out my work clothes. 

After getting ready for office , i went downstairs , towards the breakfast table like usual. Margaret was already their feeding Heather , our 5 year daughter. Heather was making fuss about breakfast and Margaret was trying to control as usual.

"Mommy , i want to see cartoon " she was shrieking , and Margaret was trying to calm her.

"No Heath, you finish your breakfast first and than you can see cartoon . "Margaret tried to negotiate.

"But i want to see cartoon now. I will eat after. " Heather said aloud.

"No ea first , cartoon later". Margaret said but i could see she was loosing the battle. 

We both have known each other for 15 years . There is no way i can't tell what is going on with her. "I WANT TO SEE CARTOON NOW, I WANT IT NOW" she shrieked at Margaret again and again while trying to remove herself from the chair. This is normal morning in this household. I took my seat and Margaret saw me . She ordered the nanny to take Heather in the TV room so she could watch cartoon and breakfast to fed her. Heather face lightened with this. "Thank you mommy , i love you ", she kissed Margaret and going toward the TV room. I know she is spoiled because f her mother and grandmother my mom. She was halfway when she stopped and came to me , standing near my chair. I removed newspaper from my face and looked at her . "What happened heather ?". "Good morning Daddy " she said holding her hands up for me. I sat newspaper aside and placed her on my lap. "Good morning Heather . How are you this morning ?". "Good daddy" she replied . After few minutes of silence she said "Daddy you know , i went to Mary house yesterday. Her daddy gave her a very big doll." I was silent for letting her finish her demand. I know what she want , this is  not first time of her she is doing. 

"Daddy get me a bigger doll " Heather said. Margaret was standing on the edge of the table said "Heath you should say please to daddy , like a good girl". "Ok please daddy" she did as instructed . "Ok i will get you a big doll , now go and eat your breakfast" . "Thank you daddy " she kissed me on cheek and ran towards the Tv with her nanny following her.

Margaret took her seat and breakfast was served . I continued reading while eating my breakfast. I glanced a few times towards Margaret as she was quiet today. I was about to finish my breakfast when she said " Ty " i glared at her . She realized her mistake and started  again "Tyler are you coming late tonight ?" . "Yes , I have dinner meeting today , so don't wait for me. I will be late " i said to her after a sign . 

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