03: "I'm Josh by the way"

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Josh POV:

I was lying in bed looking up at my roof. Thinking about Anna. I always think about Anna since she disepeard. I wanted to go out and search for her but the police told me not to. They say that thats their job. But they don't do it right. Nobody exepts for me knew Anna, the real Anna not the quiet Anna. I should be out there searching for her.

Instead I'm lying in my bed thinking about the first time I talked to her.

*2 years earlier*
(Josh second week in his new school)

As I walked into the school I ignored everyone. I walked up to my locker and opened it, I put in my bag when I heard a voice.

"I decided to help you" I turned to watch this girl who was talking to me.
It was her, the girl in my English class, the girl who looked so broken. She's the girl I really want to talk to.

"Oh hey I really need to talk to you" I said.

"Follow me please" she said and started walking.

Ofcourse I Followed, and she stoped when we where in the library.

"Last week you helpt me..." she started.

"Yeah I'm so sorry. Im so sorry for..."

"For what?!" She said louder and a little bit angry.

"For letting you see that, for Leaving you there crying I'm sorry for everything I did wrong" I said.

"I doesn't matter anyways" she said.

"You help me pick up my books and you told me I owe you one, and I didn't know why I should help you because your just a new guy pretending to care. And I don't need that. But then I saw you and I do understand why you need my help so I'm ready" The words came out fast and she never, not once looked me in the eyes.

"What?" I said really confused.

"Please don't pretent you didn't do anything" She said making me more confused. And I think she saw that because she countined.

"I saw your face when you hit those guys , I thought you had aggression problems. But then I saw you in the park two days ago and you were drinking and screaming and now I understaand you have a alcohol problem, and I want to help you with that" She said making me less confused. I was about to protest but I didn't.

"Then I want to help you with everything I can, please" I said trying to make a deal.

"I don't know...." She said.

"Please" I begged.

"If I agree you have to be real to me, you have to give me everything, every little pice of you"

"Friends?" I said.

"Friends" my new friend shocked my hand like we just made a deal. And I guess that's exactly what we did, we made a deal. A deal that couldn't be Brocken unless she helped me with my alcohol problem. Which I didn't have.

"I'm Josh by the way"

"Oh I know"

"Whats your name beauty?"

"Don't call me that" My beauty queen said.

"I will call you that until you tell me your name" She started walking out of the library so I followed.

"Anna" she said shortly, and then she disappeared in the crowed, again.

I couldn't move, her name got me stuck in the same position. It almost felt like I got stabbed in the back with a knife. I thought that, that feeling was gone. I thought I was stronger but this girl's name reminded me of her. I think I'll just call her beauty.


My phone signal woke me up from my "dream" and I guess that was good because I just remembered her. The girl who ripped my heart out.
I opened the new text it was from my mom.

15:43 mom
Don't forget your meeting with Hannah today
Ily mom

Fuck my meeting is in seventeen minutes. It only took me 3 minutes to be outside my apartment but I was still in hurry. I had a twenty minutes walk and fifteen minutes left. So I ran. It's not like I wanted to come in time, but it was important for my mother so I ran for her. I'd do anything for her.

When I was outside Hannah's office I saw my mom's car. I glanced at my watch I had two minutes left. I was in time. But why was my mom here? I went inside to the waiting room and Hannah stood there waiting, with my mom.

"Why are you here?" I said looking at my mother.

"I brought her here" Hannah answered and I turned to her.


Both of them ignored my question and started to walk to Hannah's office. But I didn't follow.

"Josh" my mom said she had stopped and faced me. Hannah stopped too.

"I won't come if you don't tell me" I said seriously.

"I will tell you Josh, in my office" She started walk towards me. And then I turned and walked away.

I don't want to talk to them if they don't tell me why. Nobody was in the waiting room so why can't they just tell me? I hate sitting in that chair and my mom knows that. And then it hit me. Anna. I turned around once again looking at her office.

"Josh please stay" my mom said while she ran out of Hannah's office.

"Oh you're here" I nodded. My mom got closer and I let her.

"Josh..." She started quiet.

"The police found Anna" Her eyes had a glossy surface, and tears we're slowly filling her eyes. It didn't hurt to she her cry. Because my heart didn't feel anything, it been through too much and this wasn't the first time she cried in front of me.

"Mom what did they find?" I wasn't scared or worried. Because she's not dead.

"Her..." My mom couldn't talk she cried to much.

So I hugged her, letting her cry on my shoulder. Telling her everything will be okay. Telling her everything she wanted to hear. Hannah was behind my mom and I ended the hug. My mom didn't cry anymore but her cheeks were still wet. Hannah looked at me.

"Josh they found her body"


A/N so that was it for this chapter now you kinda know the back story about my lovely Josh and Anna. But there is still a lots of secrets to find out but I'll leave that for later. Next chapter will hopefully be up soon.

I haven't corrected the text so I'm sorry for the grammar and spelling❤️

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