04: Anna I want to see you

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Josh POV:
"Even if they say that they found her body doesn't mean they did" I said to Hannah and my mom.

"They did Josh I saw her" Hannah claimed.

"Where did they find her?"

"In the woods near the river" Hannah was calm and she didn't show any signs that she cried or even been sad. But she just seen a dead girl. My conclusion is that she's lying. But let's find out.

"Me and Anna was always there" I said forcing tears in my eyes. "In the shack" I lied. Playing her game.

"That's were they found her, in the shack" thanks how I know shes lying. More tears were slowly falling down my cheeks.

"That was me and Anna's happy place" I lied ones again.

"I know Josh I know" she said patting my shoulder.

Me and Anna were never in that shack Anna thought that it was too scary, she always forced me to go on the other side of the river. And I always told her that it was longer to the other side but she never cared about that. Anna would never be in that shack, and I was Anna's happy place. The wet track on my cheeks made my mom cry more.

"Mom have you seen her?" I asked she can't lie to me.

"No Josh I couldn't" she wasn't lying but Hannah was.

"I want to she her" more tears were touching my cheeks.

But now I got Hannah's lie.

"You're not allowed to Josh" What?! What did you just say.

"Are you kidding?" Now it was real tears. Not that I thought Anna was dead but because they thought they could keep me away from see her, or not her. I was everything she had. Everything she needed.

"The police decided that it was for the best" she was calm.

"But it's not Anna's everything I got and I won't, I won't let her go until I see her!" I was dead serious. Hannah got closer and I would hit her if I didn't have a brain of course. I turned away and ran.

I stopped at the shack. We're Anna "died". If you believe the lie of course. There were no police cars what so ever near the old shack. So I stepped in. The most awful, unbelievable stank hit my nostrils, and I thought I would die. I put my hand on my nose and tried to avoid the stank. After that I looked around in the shack, and I swear to you there was no chance someone died there. It just looked like a normal shack. But then I saw a gap in the wooden floor, I kneed down and then I saw that it wasn't a gap it was a trapdoor. I was about to open it when the door to the shack opened. I quickly stood up and looked at the man. Policeman.

"What are you doing here?" The police said.

"Nothing" I said.

"You are not allowed to be here"

"Why not? I usually go here" I lied.

"This is a crime scene" he said politely.

"Is it? Are you sure? I think you're lying" I said cocky.

"Oh now I understand, you're Josh right?"


"Good we been searching for you"

"Why?" I didn't understand.

"You wanted to she her body right?"


A/N hey guys I'm so so sorry, my update has been awful lately and I'm sorry but I'll be better I promise!!! Oh and I'm sorry for this really boring and short chapter but the next will be good I promise!!!!
Please let me know what you think..

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