06: "I'm sorry beauty"

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A/N This is just to prepare you guys because this chapter is very emotional, I even cried myself. So before you read you may want to be alone in your room. Okey have fun reading.

Josh POV:

When me and my mom got home she hugged me again saying.

"Maybe it's easier too let go now when she's gone" it hurt to hear that but I know she meant well.

"Mom I don't think it ever will. Anna is my life, she's everything I have and everything I need. She's my life, the only thing that makes me forget my past. And I can't live without that. That's why I never let her go. Because if I do what will happened to me?" She looked confused. Which is understandable, she doesn't know Anna wasn't in the coffin.

"You'll be okay, in some ways you'll be okay. I'll be staying here for awhile if it's okay?" She's right I'll be okay in some ways but never the way I want. Never with Anna.

"Sure mom stay as long as you want, and not just for me stay for you too"

"What do you mean?"

"I know you hate to be home alone now when dads gone" I said.

"He's coming back"

"When mom? When?!" I said loud. She dropped a tear from her eye.

"Please Josh can we do this later" I know she hates it when I bring him up.

"Sure, I'll be in my room when your ready"

When I'm in my room I always always think about her. I don't know if it's the blue color of my wall or if it's because I remembered the time when she was beside me. I often dream nightmares about how Anna dispersed. But I never, not even once told anyone what happened, except for that call to the police.

I shook that thought out of my head and let Anna take over my mind.


"Josh what happened yesterday?" Anna asked me as soon as she saw me.

"Nothing really" I said trying to wave it away with my hand.

"Josh don't be like that please" I was angry. Really angry.

"Like what Anna?!" I said a little too loud.

"Like that..." She looked down at her shoes. Oh no I hurt her. Maybe it was because i said her name, I only use it when I'm serious.

"I'm sorry beauty, really sorry" I said. Putting her hair behind her ear.

"It's okay, I get it you have a reason"

"Doesn't matter if I have or not. I shouldn't scream at you like that, anyways" I said.

"Our class starts soon, and I don't want to be late again" she said.

And we started walking. In class Anna sat next to me in my right side. She was painting her desk again. This time she tried to draw me. Anna is very talented, so it Looked very good. Until he destroyed it.

"Do you even think your good at that?" Ryan said.

"No I know I'm not" Anna said, she likes him. She really does. I don't know why or how. But she sees something in him that she really likes.

"Good" Ryan said and took his rubber and destroyed her drawing. I stood up.

"What do you think your doing?!" I said really angry. Ready to hit him in the face.

"Josh stop" Anna said.

"Listen to your girlfriend little man" Ryan said begging for a bleeding nose or something.

"You really begs for it don't you?" I asked.

"We'll come at me then"

"I'd love too"

"BOYS DON'T" our teacher screamed. And I sat down again. Not looking at Anna knowing what she would say.

"Your stupid" she whispered, loud enough for me to hear.

After class Anna wanted me to wait for her in the library, so I did. I sat down at one of the chairs in the corner of the library. And then Anna enters.

She was walking towards me and then she started screaming.


I stod up so I could stand in a position where I had to look down at Anna and she had to look up at me.

"What was what Anna?" I said loud.

"you know what, I actually like this guy" she said while her bright blue eyes was Staring into my eyes.

"Yeah, and I don't understand why? He treats you like you were nothing"

"DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND?! I AM NOTHING!" Hearing her say that hurt me. It actually hurt me. Anna took a step back so she didn't have to look up at me.

"You're not nothing Anna. People just treat you like that because they don't know you, but I do. And you are not nothing Anna you're everything"

"I don't understand you Josh, I promised to help you with your alcohol problem but we haven't actually started yet. And you promised to help me, YOU FUCKING PROMISED TO HELP ME! But back there, you just made it worse for yourself!" She was angry and a little bit disappointed I could she that in her eyes.

But I just stod there, not knowing what to say.

"What do you want Josh?" She said quiet. I took a deep breath.

"Don't you understand I want you to want me, as bad as I want you"

Anna looked at me like I was stupid. Like i just asked her was one plus one was. She stod there awhile just looking at me like that. Probably wondering if she had heard right. But then suddetly she opened her mouth and said.

"You're stupid" then she turned around and left the library. Leaving me there breathless.


I notice that I had tears in my eyes. I guess I need to stop thinking about Anna. She only makes me cry. Now when she's gone it feels like I'm alone. But I'm not I know that. I know that I got friends but they don't dare to talk to me, right now. They dont dare to say anything to me because they think Ill break down. And even if I did I don't want them to be afraid.

A/N okay so again I haven't corrected the text so don't judge. Well thats everything I wanted to say i hope ypu like it!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2015 ⏰

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