05: Me and Anna are forever

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Josh POV:
Both my mom and Hannah waited at the police station for me. I wasn't sure if I wanted to see her anymore. I felt empty and tears we're slowly leaving my eyes. My beauty queen really is gone. She's gone forever.

The moment I stepped into the police station I got a flashback. A flashback from when Anna was still here.

*2 years earlier*

I stepped into the school corridor once again. This time I spotted Anna directly, she stood by her locker and I walked up to her.

"Hey, beauty!" I said and she turned.

"Hi Josh" she smiled. It took some time for her to get used to me, she thought I would use her. Anna have trust issues so it was hard in the start. But she learned, she leaned to like me. And I actually think she trust me.

"What are you up to" I leaned against the lockers.

"Getting my books stupid, you should do that to" she calls me stupid, a lot. But I like it, don't tell her.

"Na, I just borrow yours" I said while she rolled her eyes.

We started walking in the corridor, and all I could think about was how her hand would fit perfectly in mine. I don't know how she does it. How she makes me fall in love more and more for each day. Without me even notice.

"Josh?" Anna said. I was holding her hand. I was holding her hand in my hand. I WAS HOLDING HER HAND!

"Yeah?" She let go of my hand. And my heart got ripped in two pieces. I think I made it awkward. Really awkward. But what if she liked it. What if she really liked it.

"Why did you just stop? Were in the corridor and our class just started" she was right. I was standing in the corridor, I stopped walking. And the class just started.

"Oh yeah, sorry um...we should just go inside right"

"Yeah right" Anna open the door and went inside the class room.


"Josh?" It was my mom.

"No worries, he usually does that once in a while" Hannah said calmly.

"So Josh follow me" the policeman said. And I followed. So did Hannah.

He took us into a small corridor with a lots of doors. The corridor was dark grey and had a boring feeling. But all I could think about was Anna my beauty queen. I thought about how much it would hurt to see her dead. How much it would hurt to say goodbye. Or how much it would hurt to let her go.

He stopped at a door, a door like every other door. But behind this door, my hole life is. My hole life. Because Anna is my hole life. He didn't walk inside. She did.

"Josh are you ready?" She said. And I nodded. She opened the door. Inside the room was a coffin.

"You can open it when you're ready" I nodded. And my eyes got filled with tears.

I went through every feeling I could possibly think of. Every single one of them. Felt them in my chest. The feelings that hurt the most was the feeling u got when Anna was with me. Love. Love hurt the most.

But I opened it. The coffin, I opened it. But I didn't see her. She wasn't in the coffin. She wasn't there. Now it was clear Hannah lied. She lied.

"Josh just let it be please, everybody needs a closure" Hannah said trying to grab my hand.

"Yeah a real one" The empty feeling in my chest got bigger. And I felt angry. Or happy angry.

"Do this for your mother, shes so broken. Knowing Anna's out there tears her apart. Anna meant something for her too"                                       

"And what about me? What about my closure? Now that i know" tear started falling again a lot of them, it was happy tears, sad tears and very angry tears.

"I don't know Josh, I guess you will reach a point in life were you accept not everything will last forever"

"Me and Anna are forever"

"She's dead and you know it"

"She's not "

"Her parents and your mom needs this don't destroy that"

"I do it for my mom not for you" I said turned around and left.

My mom was waiting exactly at the spot where I left her. She hugged me and said.

"I'll be here for you Josh" I know she wanted to cry, but she kept it on the inside for me. For my tears and everything I got out of my mouth was.

"I can't let her go" she pressed me harder against her chest and just hold me for awhile. My mind went back to her.


It's been pretty awkward between me and her, since I hold her hand. At the end of the school day I went out faster then her, trying to get away. Because I understood, she doesn't she me like that. Like something more than her best friend.

"Josh wait" she said loud. But I didn't wait.

"JOSH PLEASE!" Her voice broke my heart. I couldn't keep walking. I stopped.

"Thank you, stupid" she said.

"Beauty I'm in hurry" I said lying her in the face.

"Why what's wrong?" She looked worried.

"It's Henry" Henry is an old 'friend'. Actually he's one of the reasons I moved. He's one of the reasons why I had to start over. He knew Annabelle. The girl who broke my heart.

"Henry" she said.

"Henry who did..."

"Yeah" I stopped her from saying the only think I'm trying so hard to forget.

"What does he want" she asked slowly not knowing if she wanted to know.

"I don't know but I have to go" she nodded but I didn't go.

"Josh go" I couldn't something hold me back.

"Do you think It's about Annabelle?" I nodded and then I left her. It hurt to lie to her. Annabelle the girl that broke my heart.


Mom was still holding me when I left my mind.

"Annabelle" I whispered. And mom let me go.

"What?" She looked shocked.

"I miss her" now tears started to fill her eyes.

"Me too Josh" she cried. I once promised her not to bring Annabelle's name up but now that I did she understood.

A/N okay so that was it Anna wasn't in the coffin, but is she alive? To be honest I haven't decided that yet. But maybe she's dead.

Please answer these questions:
Who do you think Annabelle is?
What do you think about Hannah?
What do you think about Josh mom?
Do you think Anna is alive?

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