Hide and Seek

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I woke up to see no one beside me. Maybe he had woke up before me. 

I checked the time and it was 5am. 

I wore some shorts and a tank top, i went downstairs to have breakfast and saw the boys on the couch sleeping. 

Before i could eat i had an idea, i took a marker and drew scribbles on their faces. I dared myself to be fair. After i dared myself i ate some cereals and sat on the smallest empty space and watched the TV. I put it to max volume so they could wake up.

"Ah! My beauty sleeeeep!!"

Louis shouted, Niall, And Liam woke up and i greeted them. I know their eyes are blurred so they didnt see scribbles on their faces,

I heard Niall and Louis squeal in the bathroom and i chuckled. Liam didnt mind since he got it off before he could see it.

It was 2pm when Harry and Zayn woke up. The other lads drew some scribbles on their abs.


"Why dont we add some more scribbles to them, it's a punishment for being a sleepy head."

Liam said, the other boys chuckled and nodded.

*end of flashback*

Harry and Zayn didnt mind it. Cause they didnt see it yet, i grabbed some milk and poured it into my glass and went upstairs, i heard some loud squeals and some laughter downstairs.

I locked my door and reviewed the lessons i learned from homeschooling, then i slept.

I heard loud banging on my door so i opened it, the boys tripped over to my floor,

"Um, hey Mel."

The boys said shyly,

"What are you doing?"

I asked confused,

"We were, um. Trying to.. Hide from.. Umm.. Liam. Quick get in!"

Niall said. They rushed into my bathroom and told me to pretend to sleep.

It was 7pm and we ate dinner. They started to talk about what they are going to do in their 3 months break. After a while we decided to have a movie marathon, we just started to insert some CD's in the DVD and we finished at 9am in the morning. We ate some breakfast and then i had my session, the boys decided to join me on my session cos they stopped going to school since 16.

Then Ally arrived with Connor, and Julie. The boys were upstairs sleeping after our session.

"Hey baby girl!"

Ally said as she hugged me and kissed my hair,

"Argh, stop!"

I pulled away and waved to Connor and Julie. I then told them to wait for a while, and then introduced them to 1D, Ally and Julie isnt really a fan of 1D so they just shakes hands. Connor was even taller than them cause Connor is 6'3. Then we decided the 5 boys sleep in my room since my room was 3x bigger than a master bedroom. I layed 2 comforters on the ground and gave them some pillows and blankets in the storage room.

I could tell that Harry and Zayn was fancying my sister. And Louis was fancying Julie. Connor, Ally, and Julie slept on Ally's room cause 4 could fit on her bed.

It was 7pm and the boys were still in my room,

"Do we even have a plan to get out of this room?"

Harry said with a pillow ontop of his face.

We played truth or dare, Connor, Julie and Ally came up with our food. After we ate we brought our plates downstairs and we went up again to watch some movies on my room.

We decided, Insidious, Paranormal 1-3, Scream 4, and The Hunger Games. I cuddled with Niall when it was Insidious until Scream 4. When it was The Hunger Games, he put me into his lap, hugged me and buried his face into my neck.

Then i fell asleep into his lap. I woke up at 7am and saw Niall spooning me.

I pulled away from Niall and took my MacBook and opened my facebook, a messafe from a Model Agency. They wanted me to model for them.

I suprised Ally and Julie with the good news.

"You should go accept the offer baby girl!"

Ally said while grinning, i ran back to my room and accepted the offer. They will contact me again if they have opened a schedule for me. I woke up the boys and i told them i am in a Model Agency now. They were happy for me,

"This means party!!"

Louis shouted and we hurried downstairs and we baked some rainbow cupcakes.

After 45 minutes we took out the cupcakes and cooled it for 5 minutes and ate them. Me and Julie went shopping for clothes, we went back at 11 so we could still reach lunch.

We came back and Ally had made some Pasta. I checked my facebook and the Model Agency had opened me a schedule.

I quickly told them the schedule was tomorrow and it was a 5 hour shoot.

"Can we come?"

Niall said with puppy eyes,

"Um okay. If you want."

I said shyly.

One Direction (fanfiction): Teenage MelodyWhere stories live. Discover now