In the Closet

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In the closet there he lays,
In the closet there he stays.
No matter what you do to stray,
He will be there, ready to play.

Those words kept repeating in my mind. I don't know how I know them, or what they mean. But it freaks me out.

My name is Holly Downing and I'm 14 years old. I've had a pretty normal life up until the day I turned 14. On my birthday, I found a piece of paper in my closet reciting these words. It's been repeating in my mind ever since. My 15th birthday is tomorrow and I'm super scared. I don't know what could happen. I just decided to forget about it for now and wait and see what happens.

Right now it's Thursday and I have an essay due tomorrow. It was assigned last Monday and I'm just now starting. Plus it's 10:00 o'clock. My mom is going to kill me.

My mom's name is Jane and she is perfect when it comes to mothering. She makes sure I get all good grades and do all my homework. But she's also really helpful and sweet. I start writing and by the time it's 12:00 o'clock, my birthday now, I'm only halfway done. I start writing faster because I'm so tired and I break my pencil in half. I toss it in the trash can and open my drawer to find a new one. All I can find are pens and highlighters. I then realize that the only place I can get a new pencil is my closet. I get up and walk towards the closet. As my hand grabs the door handle, I step on a piece of paper. My closet door opens as I pick up the piece of paper. It reads:

In the closet here I lay,
In the closet here I stay.
Nothing can hurt me, no knife or gun,
But I can hurt you, so you better run.

I drop the paper and am about to turn around and run. But two hands grab me and pull me into the closet. I scream as the door slams and the lights turn off...

Jane's POV

I hear Holly scream. She's afraid of the dark, so she's probably scared of being alone during the power outage. I grab a flashlight and jog up the stairs. I walk down the hall and to her room. I open the door and walk inside. I shut the door and the lights flicker on. I toss the flashlight aside.

"Holly?" I call out.

She isn't in here. I walk over to her desk where her phone is. I find her notebook and look over her essay. I freeze in horror as I read the words slowly.

In the closet there he lays,
In the closet there he stays.
If you are reading this it's too late,
You're already doomed, you've become the bait.

It repeats those words at least 100 times and I stumble over to the closet. I open the door slowly and see Holly laying on the floor, facing the door. Her eyes wide open. I walk in the closet and kneel down beside her.

"Holly, get up. We need to leave, now." I say quickly knowing too well what's going to happen.

She looks up at me and mumbles, "In the closet here he lays. In the closet here he stays. There's no escape now mother. We're going to die, just like the others."


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